Why a picture is worth a thousand words

SIs a picture worth a thousand words? In fact, images are worth a lot when it comes to creating content on the web.

Designers and web designers on duty say so, but images captivate all people regardless of profession.

Surely you must have stayed on a page on the internet appreciating images, right? Some images send a direct message to the reader.

This is why the sentence contained in the title exists! However, even being a cliché, the phrase remains realistic with each passing day.
Are you doubting? Keep reading the article until the end and I will prove it to you in more detail!

Picture is worth a thousand words?

Why a picture is worth a thousand words

Imagine a meme, those images that go viral on the internet in a good mood. For example, memes serve to criticize artists, players and celebrities and serve to send a direct message to the viewer.

A good example is the memes about Neymar, the star of Spanish football. The fans wanted to get the message across and say that the player often falls on the field.

However, they didn't just write texts of a thousand words or more, just make a meme. The meme that became famous was that of Neymar inside a child's walk, with the phrase “I want to see it fall now”.

Here's proof that a picture is worth a thousand words! However, there are several ways to use images in communication.

Why use images in communication

Why a picture is worth a thousand words

Imagine content with huge texts without images, did you? Generally, Spanish people have a certain fear of reading.

Of course, not all Spanish people have problems with long readings, but most do!

A survey carried out in 2016 in España reported that; 44% of the Spanish population does not like to read, and 30% of them have never even bought a book. The name of the research became reading reports.

Despite having increased readership in recent years, it is proven that images are more sought after. In fact, it's easier to read comic books and books full of drawings, do you agree with me?

Images play a strong role in content creation, whether for the web or print content. Remember that there are dozens of copyright-free images on the web.

Using images strategically

Why a picture is worth a thousand words

Images are used strategically and serve a variety of purposes. Certainly in content marketing and advertising writing, images are considered indispensable.

Perhaps, even in the writing of physical and printed works such as various books, images are indispensable. After all, we rarely buy a book that doesn't have pictures.

The purposes of using image are many, I will mention a few for knowledge:
⦁ Educate
⦁ Alert the reader
⦁ Make humor and relax
⦁ Break text and make it more dynamic
⦁ Show visual identity of a brand

These are some goals for using images in content creation. So if you use an image that doesn't have a lot of text it can give results too!

For example, Infographics are images with little text and that convey a very detailed message to the reader.

The use of infographics is increasing on the internet, we cannot fail to mention social networks such as Instagram itself and mechanisms such as Pinterest. They are social networks that use visual content and are increasingly with a greater number of users. Instagram already has more than 800 million active users in España. Pinterest is also growing a lot and now has more than 19 million.

We cannot despise the images and ignore the texts

Why a picture is worth a thousand words

This subject generates controversy, therefore, the writers do not like that they despise the texts. However, I like to say that texts cannot be ignored.

I don't mean that images can definitely replace texts, quite the opposite. In fact, good content needs to have great text and great images.

Otherwise, social networks would not need the use of captions for photos. However, in some networks people do not read the texts and stare at the images.

Therefore, many are betting on the use of images with small texts. The cartoons are used a lot and for a long time because they give a positive result in the content.

Despite being cliché and controversial, we cannot fail to address such important issues for all content producers.

To further increase security and ensure that pictures are worth a thousand words, let's look at the benefits of using pictures.

Why use images in content

Why a picture is worth a thousand words

As we said, images are used for a variety of purposes. However, we have to highlight the main goals to get more out of the content.

There are people who don't usually read much, but are always accessing websites, blogs and social networks. Therefore, using images that convey the message in your content is indispensable.

Images can tell stories in more detail, see the power of images:
⦁ Motivate
⦁ Thrill
⦁ Promote
⦁ Do reflection

Even in video social media like YouTube itself, images are not dispensed with. To have a great video, you need to have great thumbnails, that is, video thumbnails.

Covers for the channel, cover for Facebook, Twitter and other various social networks. You can't work with content creation without using quality images.

Since we mentioned quality, we cannot fail to remember that quality and better resolutions in images cannot be ignored.

It's no use creating images that don't send a message and that aren't of quality. If your image is not legible and blurry, it may be worthless and ignored by the reader.

Does the message sound strong? In fact, we cannot fail to speak the truth in our content. Our goal is to inform and deliver the best content for you.

So, do you think a picture is worth a thousand words or not?

Why a picture is worth a thousand words



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