who to blame

    β€œMen, why do you complain of the calamities which you yourselves have heaped on your own heads?

    You despised the holy and divine morals of Christ; Do not be dismayed, therefore, that the cup of iniquity has run over on every side.

    Malaise is generalized.

    You cannot be happy without mutual benevolence; but how can benevolence coexist with pride? Pride is the source of all your ills. Therefore, apply yourselves to destroying it, if you do not want to perpetuate its disastrous consequences. There is only one means available to you for this, but it is infallible: to take as the invariable rule of your behavior the law of Christ, a law that you have rejected or falsified in its interpretation.

    who to blame

    Why should you hold in greater esteem what shines and delights the eyes than what touches the heart? Why do you make vice in opulence the object of your flattery, while you disdain true merit in obscurity? When the consideration given to others is measured by the gold they have or the name they wear, what interest can they have in correcting their defects? The reverse would be the case, if general opinion were to scourge the golden vice as much as the tattered vice; but, pride shows itself indulgent to everything that flatters it. 

    Why should everyone want to rise above his brother? of that fact society suffers the consequences today. When pride reaches its extreme, there is an indication of a near fall, because God never fails to punish the proud. If he sometimes allows them to go up, it is to give them time to reflect and amend, under the blows that from time to time he gives them to their pride to warn them. But instead of humiliating themselves, they rebel. Then, when the measure is full, God overthrows them completely, and the more horrible is their fall, the higher they have climbed. 

    who to blame

    In your infinite mercy, God sends you powerful medicine for your ills, an unexpected help to your misery. Open your eyes to the light: here are the souls of those who no longer live on Earth and who come to call you to fulfill your royal duties. They will tell you, with the authority of experience, how petty the vanities and grandeurs of your fleeting existence are alongside eternity. 

    They will tell you that there the greatest is he who has been the most humble among the little ones of this world; that he who loved his brothers the most will also be loved most in heaven.; that the mighty of Earth, if they abused their authority, will be reduced to obeying their servants; that, finally, humility and charity, sisters who always go hand in hand, are the most effective means of obtaining grace before the Eternal”.

    Part of the mediumistic message of Adolph, bishop of Algiers. (Marmande, 1862.).

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