Who comes for price, for price also leaves

Have you been through this? People who ended up closing a therapy/class with you because of the price you closed with them and in the first readjustment the person left?

This happens, and a lot, in droves.

Generally this profile is more interested in cost than added value. Sometimes it may happen that your former client/student says that they had to terminate the services due to the financial moment. And it can be, yes, of course. Each case is different. However, I've seen and heard from clients people who talked about the “financial moment”, acquiring more and more goods for themselves, among other things, but that they can't invest now for therapy/class.

That is, there are people who could even pay for the price you sell, but as they don't see value in what you do, they end up not making a point of rethinking.

Who comes for price, for price also leaves

Yes, this may sound a little harsh to some therapists, but the reality is that the business relationship comes first when it comes to $$$.

Working with therapy is still working in 3D, and to fit into this modus operandi we also need to understand how these things work.

Know how to work your value. In addition, know how to build a lasting relationship with those who are close to you because of their value to you and your work. Yes, focus on these people!

Understand that if someone else is prioritizing other things over their own personal growth, then prioritize you and your business as well. In fact, prioritize both, no matter what.

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To deepen and develop self-knowledge, it is necessary to walk with a calm heart, both you and the other. Let everyone do it in their own time. Do you understand what I mean?

And everything is fine. Go in peace.

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