Who are you?

Among billions of human beings different from each other, each within their own particularities, we are one among many.

In a world as vain as the one we currently live in, we must be very careful not to make the mistake of finding something greater than what we can be, because this “feeling” of greatness can distance us from reality, bringing a distorted vision. reality and thus isolate themselves in a world created by the subconscious itself.

No one is absolutely better than anyone else, and I say this generalizing from a beggar to the “greatest” of men, because we are dust, mud and we will be devoured by earth worms. Our flesh is rotten, we are all naked, cosmic dust or transitory beings that in a very short time disappear from existence. Realize, for example, that the most that remains of us is the “legacy”, memories and works, and all this will have a period of validity, then no one will remember you, only through research or rare memories. Still, you won't be here to see anything, so you, I, we are absolutely nothing!!!

Who are you?
Johnstocker / Canva

Be very careful with pride, arrogance and all sorts of inflating yourself as if you feel superior. I have been writing on my page called “Columnist Nilo Deyson Monteiro Pessanha”, where I share my publications from the portals of which I am a columnist, in short, I have written on the subject of pride, human behavior and its decision-making, where we always leave this message that we need to improve as human beings in several ways, and one of them is precisely in the sense of eliminating any kind of arrogance, extreme vanity or superiority. We are living in days when the speed of information is so fast that, many times, we need to stop for a while and reflect on ourselves, on how we are behaving and where we can improve our turn in life. Therefore, care needs to be assisted.

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Anyway, be careful with the world that happens inside you. Master your mind, seek knowledge and develop your spirituality. Remember that spirituality is very different from religiosity. I leave a sentence of my own to finish:

“Look inside yourself, see, then, how much of your ego is left! Have you seen? Well then, kill him entirely so that you are not consumed by the worms of possible arrogance.”

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