Where does honesty begin?

“So my spirit
Get a defined glow
Time, time, time, time
And I spread benefits
Time, Time, Time, Time "
(Prayer to Time – Caetano Veloso)

To talk about honesty I chose an excerpt from this beautiful song. Because the spirit can only gain a definite shine when we live our truth. Know who it is. It is what will bring out the brightness of the spirit. And thus fulfill our role on Earth and spread benefits!

As a Yoga teacher I will bring this point of view to our conversation about honesty.

Corruption. lies. mistrust. Insecurity.

These words fill our ears every day through the news, conversations and in our life experience too! Everyone I know has felt cheated by someone.

 In one of the oldest books on Yoga (The Yoga Sutras), written by the sage Patanjali, he teaches us with short sentences and straight to the point which guidelines to follow to have a full, free, happy life.

Satya is the Sanskrit word that describes the relationship with truth.

Where does honesty begin?

Telling the truth is liberating. And lying, even the little lies, robs us of energy. Because when there is a lie, you need to make an effort to keep it. And why waste time and energy on it?

In life we ​​need to simplify. Lying complicates everything and generates suffering.

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And along with that, there is another north to follow, which is called Svadhyaya. If you study. Meet each other.

When I look at myself I realize how many lies I tell myself. You will also notice this when you observe yourself. We keep making promises that we will never keep. We say yes when we mean no. We do things to please others without regard to our own wishes.

Looking inside, we are doing a kind of garden cleaning. Among all the weeds that grow in our indoor garden, many of them are weeds of the lies we tell ourselves every day.

"What I think doesn't matter" / "My dreams are impossible" / "They'll only like me if I do what they want" / "I'm not worthy" ..... Etc etc etc.

These are lies we tell ourselves and live around them.

Where does honesty begin?

So start looking within yourself realizing the light-filled being that you are. And start cleaning your garden. Taking away those big and small inner lies. Discover who you really are. What do you really want in your life? What you really like. Who do you want to be with?

From this wisdom, you can no longer be dishonest with other people. Not with our planet.

Honesty is first cultivated within you!

And let's be honest: everyone lies a little. And the end of this corruption that we want to fight so much, guess what? It is also within each of us!

Cultivate the truth. Use time to your advantage. Go cleaning and discovering its shine. And let it shine!

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