Where does fear come from and how to deal with this emotion?

    Many times, we come across fear in us and we find it difficult to face and deal with this emotion, which we end up creating a pattern and a reality in our lives. Who among us, to a lesser or greater degree, has not felt fear, or worse, lives influenced by this emotion? Fear of rejection, death, being humiliated, failure, illness, violence, deceit, suffering…

    There are plenty of reasons to live in fear. But, how to deal with it and understand this state in us?

    Where does fear come from and how to deal with this emotion?

    First of all, it is important to observe ourselves to recognize and see how fear works in us. And then accept it and pay attention to how it manifests in our daily lives. With this, we will be able to have the perception of how it arises, what makes us fear and what it causes in us. These questions will help us to reflect and investigate how fear is processed in our lives. But, without judgment, that is, without guilt or shame, simply with lucidity.

    In each of us, this state and pattern originated and grew, often rooted in our unconscious, caused by conditioning, trauma, blockages and defense mechanisms that emerged from difficult experiences or repressive conditions and that resulted in things negative or even the frustrated attempt of our ego to assert itself and conquer its space in the midst of internal and/or external limitations. The reasons can be many, but the fact is that each individual manifests the expression of fear in their life in a different way.

    Some people are shy, some exhibitionists, some aggressive. In more extreme cases, we have syndromes and psychopathies. But the good news is that we can look for constructive and more conscious ways of dealing with fear in our lives without feeling diminished or abnormal, even because this is not exclusive to anyone and really because we are human and live in the midst of complexity, both ours, which is internal, and that of the world in which we live, which is external.

    We can expand our understanding and strengthen ourselves, transforming the perception of this emotion in us into a tool for self-knowledge and expansion of our consciousness. We can transform our lives by discovering how fear works in us, leading us to think and act as we do, to live as we live and to make the choices we want to make! Therefore, dealing with fear in a more attentive and conscious way is a loving posture for ourselves, also contributing to a better relationship with the world.

    By Deise Aur, a human being who is afraid, but recognizes it in himself.

    Cover image available here.

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