
Where are you, prince, whose only charm is the way you disappeared and forgot your way back? In the fairy tales of my childhood, I smelled her scent when looking at the pictures in the enchanted books. I remember one where I climbed on the wings of a fairy to save you… The mythological, symbolic, fantastical and magical language made me really want to grow up to find him outside the books…

But, my prince, what story did you get involved in, get distracted and not arrive in time for our date's ball? The one in which I would lose a glass slipper and then be the reason for your tireless quests to meet your date?

Nowadays, I only sometimes remember you, because the absence is so great that I don't recognize your face anymore. Everything has turned yellow with time, and I don't know how to establish a contact, a look, a touch that makes me recognize him.


But I feel that, even so, I must wait.

Just as the sun rises and dies every day, absence is just the harbinger of the eternal encounter… 52 years without feeling your gaze… Since my birth I miss you in the void that has formed inside my chest.

I always think about giving up, going alone, making myself my only company, but I succumb to the remnants of memories of the past. Feelings of happiness, feelings of accomplishment, it seems like a dream… it seems like a mirage… I don’t give up then…

doing things to do, living with people to live with, watching the clock anxiously not to succumb... And I continue to believe that somewhere, in any dimension, there is someone who asks quietly, under the moon of a starry night of any April:
  • Where are you, princess, who, asleep, waits for my cotton kiss to wake up?

And I answer quietly, in thought:

  • I'm still here... I'm still here...

You may like other texts by the author. See here: Everything passes

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