When you know quantum physics – philosophy – psychology & neuroscience, life becomes light

    Humanity can unfortunately never become a “conscious whole”, in the sense of knowledge. Therefore, inevitably, we will still have to share spaces with intolerance, violence and fanaticism, as well as share space with our traumas, limitations and emotions. Once, we gave a lecture to a group of students and put on the agenda: how would we be in five years, after taking advantage of this period to deeply study Quantum Physics, Philosophy, Psychology and Neuroscience? So we came to the conclusion that we would be totally free from the “demons and myths” invented by men, by History.

    At that moment, each group organized itself to start studies and, periodically, we met to discuss our experiences, albeit online, due to the fact that each member was part of a specific region of Spain, and one of the members lived in Belgium. . So our meetings would be online every 60 days. We are currently at the beginning of the studies and we had only two meetings. But what I want to propose in this article is to bring to public knowledge that it is possible to live this life without so many demands for perfection or for the desired life. We must understand how our body, the Universe, reality, our brain works, as well as investing in seeking knowledge that confronts our current knowledge.

    How many times in your life have you been stressed, missed opportunities, made decisions based on your knowledge? How is the idea of ​​loss for you? How do you function in the face of the misfortunes of the aggressor world?

    When you know quantum physics – philosophy – psychology & neuroscience, life becomes light
    Andrea Piacquadio de Pexels / Canva

    The proposal here would be for you to do as we did as a group, that is, invest in the studies of Quantum Physics, Philosophy, Psychology and Neuroscience. Based on this knowledge, you will inevitably become your best version, in a very different way. What effects can occur in the possession of this knowledge? Well then, the subject would become impartial as to his former passions and inclinations, so that he would probably nullify almost all his beliefs. You would also become very selective in everything, perhaps eclectic in terms of tastes, rich in refined vocabulary, with an advanced perception of reality, very fast logical reasoning and an extremely commendable emotional balance. Your psychology would become tolerant at different times of your day, put to the test in heavy traffic, in an intense day of many tasks at work, in your personal, family life, among others.

    Your worldview in relation to religion, in relation to the Universe, to the existence of God, as well as about politics and social structures, will all change for the better. The end game, freedom is happening as you advance in the books read, in documentaries, in scientific articles and, naturally, inside your brain, in your mind, in the awakening of consciousness, you are completely transformed into a human being. best. I can't help but talk about the importance of you reading about Satsang. And, of course, if you have a little patience, read about Theology, read the Bible, about religions.

    Quantum Physics itself, when we study the elements that make up the Universe and human beings, expands our dimension of consciousness about reality. We know that studying Quantum Physics is not easy; on the contrary, it is very difficult and complex. However, if you are going to read books that deal with the topic, watch documentaries and read scientific articles on the subject, you will be able to understand - just stay focused, attentive and leave your intellect open for research and understanding. Even if you have to spend years studying. Everything has a beginning, so start today.

    Life is very difficult and complex. When we least expect it, everything that was here, in the blink of an eye, is gone. How to structure your spirit to overcome the misfortunes of the aggressive world?

    When you know quantum physics – philosophy – psychology & neuroscience, life becomes light
    Daniel Balakov de Getty Images Signature / Canva

    The reality is perhaps quite different from what you think it is. The world will never change. We, yes, need to change, to transform our inner world – and change costs to leave a certain comfort zone. And studying everything I am proposing here will even make you abandon many old beliefs that you once defended. And after you master the knowledge you studied, you will be absolutely sure that you were just repeating what you were taught without introducing you to the true elements of reality that are employed in each of these sources of knowledge.

    Philosophy, for example, by itself, will give you incredible experiences that will leave you perplexed by what you will discover. Imagine when you read Neuroscience and Quantum Physics!

    I will not, here, show the technical content of each subject, as this will be up to you, dear reader, so that you can, alone, understand the elements that make up the studies of Quantum Physics, as well as all aspects of Philosophy, Psychology and Neuroscience. Studying the human brain, the mind, consciousness in its four layers, the external and internal universe, in short, having this knowledge in hand can greatly improve your life.

    When we see extremely nervous people discussing politics, religion and even personal problems, we realize that they unfortunately don't have the knowledge that matters to live in peace. As you all know, I am the founder of the Philosophy of Participatory Impartiality, and I think that all the inclinations that surface are elements that make up the universe of unconsciousness. Therefore, wars arise from time to time, the conflict of ideologies. Respecting all differences is a matter of principles, of ethics. Even if you don't agree with many things, you have to know how to control yourself in silence, respect those who think differently.

    Living well is being resolved, going through life in peace, through the content acquired in general knowledge in depth, knowing how to master the elements of your knowledge.

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    Anyway, without further ado, start today to do daily readings of Philosophy, Quantum Physics and the other types of knowledge that you will need to study as I explained at the beginning. Once that's done, organize your day for research studies. Example: set aside two hours or more to read; then divide the book into seven separate page parts for you to read daily. Watch documentaries and read scientific articles dealing with the topics. In a few months, you will have a life organized by the mind that has absorbed the necessary knowledge to have an existence of lightness and inner peace, without myths, without fear, without impediments. The end of the allegory of the cave, of voluntary servitude.

    When you know quantum physics – philosophy – psychology & neuroscience, life becomes light
    Personal Collection / Philosopher Nilo Deyson

    Read other articles by Philosopher Nilo Deyson Morteiro Pessanha by searching Google and his social media.

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