When you are faced with two paths, which one to take?

    How many times in the last year have you been faced with decisions about which path to take? And how many times do you think you'll have to face the same indecision in 2017? No matter what time we are talking about, forks will always be part of our lives, from the simplest to decide to those that take away precious hours of sleep. What is needed is the discernment to do your best to consciously follow a path.

    Forks are in our lives all the time… As soon as you wake up, even if unconsciously, you will probably face several of them: going to take a shower or having coffee? Put on pants or a dress? Wear your hair up or down? Going to work by public transport or taking the car? These are mundane and everyday decisions, but they are still choices of which way to go! However, the choices are milder and don't require as much energy. In some larger cases, however, forks can seem intimidating and extremely difficult.

    When you are faced with two paths, which one to take?

    A job change proposal, for example, puts us at a key fork in which we know that choosing the wrong path can be uncomfortable. I say discomfort and not failure because we always have the chance to turn things around and take a new turn on the road as soon as a new route occurs.

    The important thing is to have the wisdom to weigh all the pros and cons. whenever an important decision stands in your way. Always evaluate your options, take into account what makes you happiest and if in any of them you run the risk of going over your values ​​and principles, seek help from friends, more experienced people and especially other acquaintances who may have been through similar situations. It is of great importance not to despair and end up making hasty decisions, common sense is essential here!

    To change your life, in this year that begins soon, just keep in mind that life is yours and you are responsible for walking your path. There is no right or wrong and no good or bad, what really exists in this case are choices and their consequences. The future will always bring you more and more challenging forks, but just trust and you will go through each one with the confidence of someone who has been there a lot! The important thing is that you choose a path and follow it with firm steps of optimism.

    Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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