When we know what we want. It's easy to take away what we don't want. Here is Apometry.

    At Casa dos Tarefeiros, in São Paulo, many patients are oriented and referred for the treatment of apometry, in order to have better stability and balance in life in relation to the fact that each person's thoughts and feelings flow naturally.

    Apometry is a deep and qualified treatment that, through several energetic unblocking, covers different levels of depth in the patient's spiritual bodies, who, many times, are unaware of the causes of some of their physical, spiritual, moral, sentimental, family, social and material.

    During the treatment sessions, vital energetic cleansings and purifications are carried out in the spiritual bodies and centers of force (the chakras), in which these blockages usually come from this and other lives.

    With the cleaning carried out in the apometry and the cutting of unnecessary energies, automatically through some sessions comes the energetic purification, which makes the patient enter his original and natural balance, according to his free will.

    At Casa dos Tarefeiros, the work of apometry is carried out with the help of the workers of the house, together with spirituality, that is, with the help of the spiritual plane.

    Patients' energies are drained, unlocked through the unfolding of spiritual bodies, as well as their force fields, that is, the chakras, which are cleansed and unobstructed, for energetic, electromagnetic revitalization of each patient, individually. In this way, it brings energetic strength, balance, harmony and mental, physical and spiritual health.

    It is of fundamental importance all the coordination and direction of the superior spirits, whose intelligence and moral wisdom, with righteousness in the good and in pure love and united to the spirituality of each one and the help of our spiritual friends of light, are able to detect the impurities and miasmas of the patient's energy field and, thus, clean and purify all contrary energy that has been installed consciously or unconsciously in the patient's energy and force fields.

    During the apometry sessions, the patient lies on the stretcher or sits on the chair, according to availability or need, and the team of house workers, aided by the spiritual plane of light, begins the treatment.

    The treatment leader is always an experienced and prepared house worker who conducts the work energetically and verbally, while the other workers energetically perform the work in partnership with the spiritual plane.

    When we know what we want. It's easy to take away what we don't want. Here is Apometry.
    Ksenia Makagonova / Unsplash

    Hence the importance of knowing what we want, to remove what we don't want.

    This is everyone's free will. From the moment the patient is aware and aware of his choice of his power of decision to want the good, love, understanding, awareness, forgiveness and harmony, the treatment is always faster and more effective.

    Always remember that the spiritual plane works with respect and respects the will of each one. When the will is in conscious and unconscious cleaning and purification, that is, in what we know and what we don't know, but it is known that it is to clean what is stopped, what is not well and accepts this cleaning, it is allowed to release that lock. Instantly, dense and still energies are unblocked, released and undone and thus comes freedom, calm, clarity in thoughts, feelings and solutions. In other words, apometry makes what is stopped to move, to release what is blocked.

    For this to happen, the conscious participation of the patient is fundamental for the success of the treatment of apometry. It is in the free will, in the will, in the desire and in releasing the still and dense energies that the spiritual plane acts, for the cleaning and purification of the spiritual bodies and centers of force (the chakras).

    As we have already said, it is a highly profound treatment, which works with subtle energies from this and other lives, removing sorrows, guilt, remorse, those irritations that sometimes you don't even know where they come from, diseases, miasmas and parasites from the astral and etheric body. , which reflect in the physical body.

    That's why treatment is so important for opening new paths, new ways and ways of seeing and feeling life and the world around you.

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    With the release of these energies contrary to good and love, the energies of good, love, harmony, trust, faith, courage, discernment, common sense, tolerance enter and, with that, automatically installs gratitude for life, for people, for situations, which, in fact, are always for the growth and progress of each one. On the other hand, if the energies and the centers of force are blocked, we will often not be able to see and feel the solutions, the horizons that life gives each of us at each moment.

    When we know what we want and decide for light, for good, for love, for mutual understanding, for freedom and solution, it becomes much easier to let go of what we don't want.

    Jesus teaches us to separate the wheat from the chaff. And apometry is a treatment and a spiritual and energetic tool for this to happen in a healthy way, supported by evolved spirits, allied to the will and free will of each one.

    The treatment of apometry is normally indicated after spiritual surgery and, if necessary, according to the guidance of the Doctors of Light.

    When we know what we want. It's easy to take away what we don't want. Here is Apometry.
    Samuel Austin / Unsplash

    Its effects are freer thoughts and feelings, with more positive expectations. Patients begin to feel more understanding of life experiences. Intelligence and inner wisdom flow with more clarity and tranquility and the results are a balanced life with patience, discernment, joy, love and common sense.

    A big hug to everyone.

    Dorotea Ruiz – President and Director of the Casa de Conscientização e Cura dos Tarefeiros.

    Link YouTube – Canal Tarefeiros


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