When religion loses its meaning

    “When you reach a certain level of spirituality, of life with God, nothing makes sense except in religion, and that sounds negative to dogmatists and fanatics”;

    The break occurs when a far-reaching level of spirituality and faith experiences is reached.

    The results are seen if in fact this independence brings good fruits in life, along the way. A complete break with religion may seem strange to bubble-eyed eyes; but just those accusing glances that point, just look at the fruits of the life of the individual free from religion. It, religion, is very good for the adepts to a certain extent, but since in life everything moves, there is such a thing as a brain — and reflective-empirical thinking about history, then knowledge of the truth changes everything. What would people be without religion? It would be chaos, because religion is an instrument of God to save lives. Souls are saved. It's not because I break with the idea of ​​religion that it sucks; on the contrary, all of them I respect a lot, however, there is no longer a religion in my universe, because I am not better than anyone else, yet I arrived, without intention, at a level of consciousness and knowledge so great that today I live my freedom with peace, solved with me. I don't feel the need to go to a guru, a pastor, a monk, a priest, a teacher, an enlightened one; no, no, a thousand times no! I have within me the creator God of the Universe, of the galaxies, of time. Yes, the Holy Spirit of God dwells within the conscience, in the perfection of peace, resolved with myself. This can help other people in their process of finding their own way of living unhindered and responsibly in freedom. One day all this will change again. One day old age will come. Perhaps before that death comes, then it is up to you to have total and absolute certainty of salvation from eternal life with the Lord Jesus.

    Ultimately, religion changes lives. It's always been like that. Of course, there are thousands of different religions in the world and most, unfortunately, are made up of freeloaders or macabre rituals, unaware of the reality of God's will.

    When religion loses its meaning
    Raimond Klavins / Unsplash

    It is important to know the word of God, to act with faith on the Altar. Yes, demonstrate your faith at the Altar. Prayer, fasting, meditation and other rites are offerings to the Creator God of the Universe. Therefore, living outside of religiosity does not detract from your communication with the Creator through faith and sacred rituals, as the Holy Bible teaches. Read Revelation 11. Also read John 8 all the way through to understand what Jesus had against religion. Be careful not to make the mistake of demonizing a religion—respect, above all. If you have your opinion, keep it to yourself without hurting the other's belief.

    Religion loses its meaning when I have greater communication with God outside of religion, that is, when the knowledge acquired added to all the long trajectory of experiences in faith within religion serve as a basis for sustaining a life with God in a solo career. This, however, does not prevent you from visiting or even remaining a member of a religious denomination, however, without being dominated by it. We are part without a vicious belonging to religious fanaticism. I am a member of a religious institution where for 20 years I held an office. In this case, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. Today, however, I am simply a member and resolved with myself, in full and perfect peace. I believe in spiritual development through the word of God, prayer, fasting, the purposes on the Altar and, above all, communion with the Universe.

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    The Universe is infinite. It's trillions of trillions of galaxies and stars. We can't explain all this in space. In fact, I'm sure we're not alone. Read everything you can about new discoveries by science and NASA regarding the Universe; also watch documentaries about space and the Universe, thus making your dimension of consciousness much better. Gradually, you will get out of the religion bubble, thinking that the Universe fits in your church, in the things that tell you. Please read, research, do a thorough investigation of the history so you don't get fooled by the religious system. I have a lot, yes, a lot to talk about here, but I'll leave it for another time. I take this opportunity to invite you to visit my other articles here on the Eu Sem Fronteiras portal.

    “Religion helps many lives and takes good care of them. Of course, the true religion, unlike the freeloaders. The truth of religion must save, share, give and care for people. Love your neighbor, donate food, help as you can so that you, who were once an iceberg, with a cold heart, melt and become part of the ocean.”

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