What You Need to Know About the Psychological Plot of Wicked Narcissistic Mothers

    Before starting this article, I must make it clear to the daughters of perverse narcissistic mothers that, no matter how much suffering they have gone through and may still be going through, the possibility of recovering from the traumas experienced can be totally re-signified, with the real possibility of turning the page.

    What You Need to Know About the Psychological Plot of Wicked Narcissistic Mothers

    Knowing that you have a narcissistic mother, at first, is not simple or easy to conceive. Understanding that all the need for embracement and trust that is sought in the mother is compromised is overwhelming. The path of reparation and emotional healing, however, is in the advancement of perception, when one advances in the total understanding of the spilled plot.

    The victims of this type of coexistence receive criticism daily, disqualifications from dosing manners, intolerance and aggression, regardless of the effort made to get it right. One of the sons will always be considered the golden son, the one who is always the protected one, seen as the best of all and to whom everything is excused, in fact, nothing he does is seen as something wrong. The daughter who is a victim of this type of sick mother will always be the one who doesn't fit into anything, the one who does everything wrong, in short, she will be the scapegoat for everything that can go wrong and that is no good. Due to the competition of this narcissistic mother, always focused on herself, usually a female daughter is chosen to fulfill this role.

    What You Need to Know About the Psychological Plot of Wicked Narcissistic Mothers

     every time your daughters begin to develop into something that reveals greater autonomy over themselves, the result will be a massive disqualification of everything they choose or dare to build. And as this usually happens since they are children, imagine how insecure they become and with totally fragmented self-esteem. When they go out into the world, they can end up having dual behaviors, where sometimes they tend to meet all the other's desires, sometimes they feel the need to protect themselves from this other for fear of the total loss of identity, due to the traumas they have suffered. Some of the victims who come to my office are extremely anxious and can be misdiagnosed. When the plot is revealed by a family member, most of the time, there is no agreement on the veracity of this theme, and the victim who is more awake needs therapeutic help to detoxify and not fall into the tale that she is ungrateful. or that I would be going crazy. Both the victimization and accusation theater of these mothers are extremely aggressive and potent.

    As unbelievable as it may seem, when awakened, victims understand how strong they have always been and, based on this perception, they exercise autonomy over their rights to make good choices, going through life with other existential maps quite different from those that have passed. There is every chance that a full recovery will occur.

    The more awake, the better!

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