What you focus on expands!

    Look at the size of my pimple on my face! Ready! Just talk and you can't stop looking at her. She, my spine, has gained all the focus of attention that could have been projected to how beautiful my hair is, how well I look, how happy I am, among so many other good things we have and don't exalt. But I preferred to focus on my spine! It could also be how overweight I am, how ugly my hair is, the size of my arm, how much I can't do this or that… These things that we “love” to show. Shall we stop that now and focus and talk about what's good about it?

    Have you ever noticed how many times we give a lot of attention to the little things and when we realize it, it becomes a hurricane?

    I see and learn a lot with my daughter, Maria Eduarda, 8 years old. She has a hot temper and doesn't like to be called attention to. She's the "know-it-all" type, if you know what I mean. Often, when I get her attention, something that was just to guide her turns into an unnecessary argument. She gets angry, makes a flood in a glass of water and when she realizes it, she is wrapped up to her neck in her mischief and can't get out of the situation she has put herself in. Situation in which, a simple “sorry, Mom” would end the problem. And such nonsense ends with unnecessary stress on the family and a weekend without electronics for her. Needed?

    What you focus on expands!

    Where do you put your focus? In good things or bad? In your qualities or just in your points to develop? Or worse, put it on what you have no control over and can't change?

    I'm not saying you shouldn't look at what bothers you. I'm telling you not to just look at this and not just talk about this. I bet and win that you have a lot of good things to say about yourself.

    Are we going to do a test this week and just look at our qualities? If you look in the mirror and value what's good and only that? If our gaze strays to something other than that, do we enjoy and practice self-control returning to our initial focus? Shall we leave the other things to dermatologists, endocrinologists and academia to decide?

    I'll tell you something that I'm proud of myself… I'm a person who's been through a few good times and I've never let the shuttle fall! I fall and get up at the same speed. One day I'll talk more about it.

    And you, tell me one thing you're proud of about yourself? I would love to know!

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