What to expect in 2020

    Time is passing fast. This is the phrase that many say when they realize that December has arrived and with it the end of the year. 2019 brought many adventures, victories and defeats, but what to expect from 2020?

    By numerology, we can look at the new year in several aspects. One of them that seems interesting is to separate 20-20 and then we have the help of the tarot, which has in card 20, the Judgment, the representation of the Last Judgment, which in the Holy Scriptures refers to the moment when the Angel will descend from the heavens, will touch his trumpet, the dead will rise and the good will be separated on the right and the evil on the left.

    It is clear that this placement is symbolic, as we can also imagine that the Angel blows the trumpet in reality to wake up those who are distracted or asleep for their spiritual missions; and that the time has come to move and make a difference on this planet Earth.

    The great Angel makes his call and plays for all to hear and he does it in duplicate because 20-20 means the Double Judgment, so there is no more time to hide or procrastinate. The time to do it is now.

    In Pythagorean Numerology, on the other hand, we have the vibration of the number 4 (2+0+2+0) and this digit guarantees the structuring, the concretization, the hands-on, that is, giving concrete shape to your ideas, work, construction and edification.

    The representation of 4 has a lot to do with the work of the mason, who to build the house needs to lay the foundation and take care that each row of bricks is well placed and becomes a wall, and another, and finally a house. This takes a while, in which order, planning and execution go together.

    What to expect in 2020
    Bieshutterb / Getty Images / Canva

    By these images we can already think of a year that will demand from us the good accomplishment, without anxiety or haste, because the house built quickly can be destroyed in the first storm; patience, prudence and caution will be welcome words for year 4.

    For those who in 2017 started and dedicated themselves to something new, who in 2018 chose and then gave time for their action to be anchored and who in 2019 expanded and communicated their project, 2020 asks for dedication, effort and will for their action take root once and for all.

    This information is general to all of us, because 2020 is a universal year 4, but if you want to know the vibration of this year for you, just add your DAY + MONTH of birth + 2020 (or 4).

    See below 2020 for you.

    1-) Year of initiation of projects, ideas, work and relationships. It will take courage and audacity.

    2-) Year of choices, encounters, partnerships, partnerships, cooperation, marriage.

    3-) Year to communicate, express your creativity, put yourself in the spotlight, have fun.

    4-) Year to work, face the day to day. Slow and steady build, take patience and effort.

    5-) Year for travel, changes, displacement, knowing new places and environments, movement.

    6-) Year for love, marriage, family, taking care of responsibilities and people. Consideration will be required.

    7-) Year for studies, deepening, inner search, knowledge and spirituality.

    8-) Year for dealing with money, business, power, status, possessions, roles, justice and values.

    9-) Year of closing and completion of cycles, calls for detachment, cuts, finalizations.

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    If you want to delve deeper into this topic and receive the guidelines of your Personal Year, month by month, click on this link and buy our e-book, โ€œNumerology 2020โ€.

    If you want to become a Numerology professional, enter this link, take our Numerology course and receive your numerologist certificate.

    Good energies and HAPPY 2020!

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