What to do with masks after the pandemic

Since when health authorities defined that it was indicated to use protective masks to leave the house and to meet other people, due to the easy transmission of the coronavirus, a series of models have been developed.

Glittering masks, with prints that match the clothes, that are made with the same material as t-shirts, that are decorated, that are transparent, that fit well on the face, that are more comfortable and that bring style are available in numerous ranges. of price.

Regardless of your preferred style, shape or cut, the essential thing about the mask is to use it. If it is not disposable, it must be properly sanitized after use, so that it does not become a vector for the virus. Covering the nose and mouth completely, it has become synonymous with safety and hygiene.

Still, considering all the harm that the pandemic has brought, what most people want is for the time to wear masks to come to an end soon. When that happens, what will be the next step? We will hardly continue to use an accessory that can make us sweater and with more pimples, if it no longer has the main function of protecting us against a virus for which there is no vaccine.

Cleaning used masks

If you are thinking of simply throwing the masks in the trash, know that there are other options to discard this fabric that has protected us for so long. Before checking out our suggestions, know that you must sanitize them correctly, according to the protocol of Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency). Sink the mask in a liter of water with 10 ml of bleach for forty minutes and it will be clean!

What to do with masks after the pandemic
Leo2014 / Pixabay

Remember to leave the clean masks separate from the masks that will still be used in everyday life, if you want to leave some for this purpose. It's important that you let the people who live with you know about your intentions with the old masks, so they don't discard it without you realizing it.

a conscious donation

The first way to dispose of your masks without generating waste and taking advantage of the fabrics they are made from is by taking them to a recycling center. Take off the rubber bands and wires and take it to a place like this. In São Paulo, Brás and Bom Retiro, there is a company called Renovar Têxtil, which will receive the masks after the pandemic to use in new productions.

training sewing

As the fabric of the masks is small to produce a garment, you can use it to venture into other sewing techniques. To make yo-yo, cover buttons, test different embroidery stitches and even create clothes for dolls, the fabrics of masks can be an incredible option.

To help with reading

A bookmark is a simple and very useful gift. After cutting a rectangle out of cardboard or cardboard, you can cover it with the fabric of one of the masks, turning a simple piece of paper into a different and innovative souvenir.

What to do with masks after the pandemic
Alexas_Photos / Pixabay

Organizing wires and cables

That mess with tangled wires and cables is present in many homes and there is a very easy solution to this problem. Using the fabric of the masks, make a small, long rectangle. Sew a button on one side and make an opening on the other. Place the coiled cord in the middle of this rectangle and then button it up, ensuring that the cord will be separate from others.

To decorate or to warm

A patchwork quilt is a homemade, affectionate and practical solution for masks that will no longer be used. In this case, there is no problem if the fabric is small, because the idea is precisely to create an unusual composition. Gather the people in your family who know how to sew or who want to learn how to sew and make the masks useful again!

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What all people around the world want is for the pandemic to end soon. We can't wait to stop wearing masks, find the ones we love and have normal life back. When that happens, we will be able to celebrate and give a new destination to the masks that have accompanied us on this difficult and challenging journey, but which will one day come to an end. Create!

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