Shall we talk about fear?

    Shall we talk about fear?

    It is very common to find people who would like to live a different life, follow their goals and dreams, but who do not follow through fear.

    Some even start and stop midway. When they feel the slightest of difficulties, they abandon everything and return to where they were before.

    There are also those who go, but out of fear they are thinking about leaving everything and going back to where they were, too. Anything, they already think: “I'm going to stop doing this, I'm going to stop doing that… it's hard…”.

    This has happened to me too, and until I dealt with the fear and learned to follow DESPITE IT, I too had self-sabotaged myself several times. I just stopped, you know when?

    When I actually applied everything I learned in therapy. When we REALLY put into practice everything we learn, we leave the limbo of fear.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't do much good to teach others what you don't do. The day you also stop sabotaging yourself to get back to your comfort zone, you will realize that you were wasting A LOT of time being able to do what you came to do in this world.

    As long as you let fear dominate you, you won't accomplish much. Financial independence, abundant schedule, abundance in life… all this is being postponed.

    Deep down, you know what to do, but you don't...

    Unfortunately, the number of people who are too afraid to do anything is too large.

    Did you know that there are people who are afraid of success?


    It’s not just fear of “failure” that people have, no…

    You have to clear many layers within yourself to go lighter and do things that you haven't been able to do due to fear.

    You might also like:

    • 5 steps to overcoming your fears
    • Investigate the source of your inner fear
    • Try ways to dissolve fear and anxiety
    • Overcome fear despite uncertainty

    Unfortunately, the longer you take to deal with your issues, the rest is put off or falling into the limbo of amazing things that could have been, but weren't.

    Take small steps to start getting an answer from life, unlike what you've been doing today.

    If you have to, do therapy, but with other therapists, and I can't even... When you do this, go with an open mind and heart, without trying to manipulate the sessions.

    By the way, needing directions, I'm a bridge that can connect you to someone.

    Just take care of yourself!

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