Domino Effect – Don't carry trouble from one area to another!

Today I want to talk to you about the Domino effect, have you heard? I think so. In the game we sometimes see that when one of the pieces falls, it knocks down all the others in a chain. It's like a waterfall. Let's bring this domino metaphor into the areas of our lives and our behavior related to them.

We can divide the areas of our lives more precisely into 07. They are: physical and mental, family, professional and career, social and relationships, economic and financial, self-development and personal autonomy. Each of these areas needs care and attention! They need us to provide time and energy for them to function in a satisfactory and healthy state. And for us to do this efficiently, it is necessary to be in the present, in the moment and in the here and now! The problem arises when we don't pay enough attention to these areas, or when, as we experience each one, we become preoccupied with the other areas.

Domino Effect – Don't carry trouble from one area to another!

It is very common for some people to go through financial problems, for example, to take worries, stress, anxiety, frustrations, fears and insecurities into their family or friendship relationship. Thus, they generate friction with spouses, fathers, mothers, children and friends. While other people stop exercising, some can't sleep and don't eat properly. And so they harm physical, mental and even spiritual health. Other people stop investing in personal development. They say they don't have money, and that way, if they want to take a course, for example, they give up and don't invest in their improvement. And so they let one area of ​​life that is not working very well bring down the others.

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The most interesting, the most suitable and the healthiest is be fully in the situation at the moment! That is, put all your energy and mood in the specific area while you are in it! Don't bring family problems to work, from work to family, or from anyone to another!

Don't upset one area, or every other area of ​​your life, because of one! Otherwise, it will be causing the domino effect; that is, letting one situation get in the way of others and bring you bigger problems—which could snowball increasingly difficult to resolve.

Domino Effect – Don't carry trouble from one area to another!

To be in the present, to be in the here and now, is to live and give all your energy to resolve the situation when you are in it. For example, if you're having problems at work and you're done with your workday and you're going home, then when you get home, be there with the family completely! Or if you're going to meet friends, be with friends all the way! And at bedtime? Do the exact same thing! It's your time to rest. You can do a relaxation, a meditation, a prayer, a mantra or even several deep breaths, listen to calm music, or whatever else you prefer! Do your part! And deliver to God or to the Universe (call it as you prefer) and let go of the situation! Let go and sleep in peace! Worrying about the problem will not solve it at night, much less during the night. This will only steal your sleep, your peace and therefore your health!

Domino Effect – Don't carry trouble from one area to another!

Got unemployed and don't have the money to buy or take that course you'd like to do so much at the moment? That doesn't mean you should jeopardize your personal development! There is a lot of good and quality stuff to learn on YouTube, blogs and websites. Keep doing it until you get the money to enroll in the class you'd like! There is a sentence that says:

“In an information age that we are living in, ignorance is a choice.”

Joe dispenza

So there's no excuse!

Being in the present is what it is! It's living each moment and each situation in the due time of each one of them. This is very important, especially to maintain our energies to resolve the situation when it presents itself in front of us! Or even for insights! The solution comes in moments when we are light and calm. And taking problems from one area to another only makes the situation worse, stresses us out and robs us of energy.

Be in the present!

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