Attraction law

    Some time ago, I was invited to give a talk in my work environment on the wisdom of Kabbalah. It was a commemorative day and the human resources department had prepared a cultural event, in which various themes and experiences were presented and addressed.

    A few interested ones were present, attentive to what I was saying. Finally, the Kabbalist understands that we do not know exactly to whom we are taking the Light of the Creator, only that we are the channel of dissemination. The higher plane is perfect and, in a way, hidden from us.

    After the presentation, I received congratulations and comments from the people who were there. At the end, the event coordinator came and, in the middle of the conversation, she said something that caught my attention. She had received a box a while ago from a Kabbalah center, with something she didn't know exactly what was taking up her living room space. She asked me to see this box and that if I wanted I could keep it, otherwise she would throw it away.

    Early the other day, I went to see what it was and was curious to know what the material was about and if it had anything of value. We were talking excitedly about the cabal and when I opened the box I was really dumbfounded! It was nothing more, nothing less, than a complete collection of the Zohar, the so-called “Book of Splendor”, the central work of the Kabbalah, revealed by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai to his disciples in the 23nd century. This version was packaged in a large and voluminous box, containing XNUMX volumes of a deluxe edition in red hardcover, written in Hebrew and Aramaic and in its English version.

    Attraction law
    ninaidea / Reshot

    The Zohar is the deepest study of the Torah, which are the first five books of the Bible, known as the Pentateuch. In these texts, the most hidden secrets of spiritual laws were revealed, directly or even poetically and in the form of conversations between righteous people.

    So this wonderful collection of spiritual writings came into my hands quite unexpectedly. They were hidden on a forgotten shelf, at the back of a dark and unventilated room, waiting to be “revealed”. They traveled an obscure and inexplicable path, from printing to arriving there, to their new owner. I left there radiant, as if reflecting the Light of the Zohar, with a true and priceless treasure in hand.

    This is how things happen in our lives. Situations occur without much logic for our eyes and our minds, but everything is already traced, in a way, on the spiritual planes. We attract what we have in our minds and what we carry in our hearts. What truly belongs to us comes to us anyway. There is no way to be different. At some point, what is destined for us finds its way into our hands.

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    The force of truth will always prevail, personal will will generate a series of actions until we come across our thought, our deepest dream, materialized. The law of attraction is undoubtedly infallible. In that case, the Zohar crossed the world to these hands that write to you.

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