What's your message to the world?

    We all have a message to give, but in order to convey it, we need to listen to the inner voice, the essence, the soul. But we don't hear it, why? Because instead of feeling and knowing the essence of the being itself, which we call self-awareness, self-knowledge, we use measures of appearances, which determine our ruler between the concepts and values ​​formed, such as what is good and bad, little or a lot. , right or wrong, greater or lesser, truth or lie, in fact what is seen and what has a temporary relationship with the judgment of what we believe.

    Measuring by appearance means that we determine our reality, what we are, by the external world, what is on the outside and what we show to people. Therefore, the measure or weight we give and what really matters is the beauty, the packaging, the image, and not the content (essence), what you really are. So appearance can lead to many mistakes.

    Appearance deceives you, because it also becomes your reality, disguised as satin with glamorous sparkles, and dazzles the eyes to see the other side of the fabric, which can be opaque, lackluster, but with such important value. as for what you see on the outside — its composition is part of the construction of what you are.

    Perceiving the two angles of the same facet is inevitable for the construction of the EU stronger, and acting with appearance and essence results in nothing more, nothing less than knowing how to live with the Light and Shadow of the same identity. “Only knowing who we are can we begin to be better for ourselves and for others”. Stop using measurements, to get to the essence, get off the surface!

    People are afraid of what they don't know and this fact is undisputed. For this reason, we are often left with stagnant lives, paralyzed at some crossroads and spend most of our time living on appearance rather than essence. The essence is internal, deep, dense, what is base is what it is and in this sense you cannot use the same measures by which we measure what is external, such as body weight, or height, hair color. .

    What's your message to the world?

    How can we measure what we don't know what it is, if we don't even believe or conceive the idea of ​​its existence? We live on truths built from beliefs throughout development, so we create parameters, rules that justify our actions and thoughts and use them to understand our true message to the world. But is it possible to use scales to weigh our unknown treasures? The answer is no, we should never explore the depths of our knowledge with a rod or a probe.

    Of course, all this is very symbolic and only Philosophy can help us to understand. Alexander the Great said that knowing oneself is the most difficult task for human beings, as it directly incites our rationality, but also puts our fears and passions to the test. It is impossible to build yourself as you should, without knowing yourself.

    This is one of the most arduous tasks of human survival, as it is like entering the deepest ocean, resisting the harshest and coldest waters, getting involved in the whirlwind of mysteries and having enough resistance to withstand all the dangers inherent in this journey.

    One of the most important ingredients in this endeavor is the COURAGE, which in the origin of the Latin word means coraticum, from the French cor-age, ability or virtue to act despite fear, fear and intimidation. It should be noted that courage does not mean the absence of fear, but action in spite of it. We have to have the courage to look at the bondages and traumas that the past may have left in our lives, no matter who and how, and seek freedom and balance. Plato correlates courage, reason and pain.

    Animals (even irrational ones) show courage, mainly due to their primitive instincts and the need to survive, they know that they can die if they leave the nest, but they do it because of the need to survive and, thus, they give courage.

    The human being, for having a psyche (psychic processes that can be conscious or unconscious - origin in the Greek psykhé and which is used to describe the soul or spirit), suffers daily influences in their attitudes, because the thinking process allows their fears and their courage vary a lot from situation to situation and from person to person, mainly depending on the environment in which they lived since childhood, the education they received, their beliefs, who they socialize with, etc.

    Social and civilized life demands from man a concentrated and directed activity of consciousness, thus entailing the risk of a considerable distance from the unconscious, and the more we move away from it through directed functioning, the greater is the possibility of a strong opposition arising. what you can actually be.

    Here it is not a question of making any allusion against social rules and norms, even because collective attitudes enable us to adjust, without friction, to society, as to any other condition of life. It is about making a reflection that the solution to a personal conflict never rests on collective norms, after all, no rational solution can do justice to this task, and there is absolutely no social rule that can replace an individual solution, without losses to none but the individual himself.

    Through philosophy, Man has an existence and an essence, according to Plato, the absolute freedom of man, recognizing a spiritual nature that cannot be, under any circumstances, chained to the forces of the world.

    For Plato, man is essentially soul, spirit, and therefore the only problem for man is to rescue your soul from the prison of the body. This is philosophy, and it does not hold the truth. But how about conceiving the idea that there is something immortal, the Psyche as already mentioned, behind an appearance? Matter is finite, soul is not. Imagine that this exists, but without imposing a materialistic and reductive measurement.

    It is already known of the existence of something divine and beyond matter, but we want to have proof of this at all times, and proving what is not measurable is not possible, because the I is a sea without limits and without measures. Essence belongs to the world of unity, and your body belongs to the world of multiplicity—they are two things so different that you will not be able to know using the same tools.

    It is like a pearl, through which so many threads pass, where we are just a small thread of all the threads in the history of life.

    So, we already have proof of that, when we study all the writings about the origin of the world and, even then, we doubt it. We want proof of this all the time, so we don't conceive of that which is unknown, because there is no proof, there is no tape measure to measure and then justify.

    What we don't know about ourselves is much bigger than what we know, so the part we don't know is ice, hard, cold, that's never been touched. According to the Iceberg concept, only about 10% of its mass emerges to the surface. The remaining about 90% remain submerged.

    Comparing ourselves to the iceberg, we leave only 10% of what we really are, and the other 90% are well kept, where we concentrate the memories, the records throughout our lives, the pains, the joys, defeats, shortcomings—this includes envy, jealousy, spite, arrogance, unforgiveness, the pain of being betrayed, pride, vanity, ignorance, fears.

    What's your message to the world?

    In the cluster of files, there is the self-esteem that has been crushed, the rejection, the traumas suffered, the unrevealed wills. Sometimes, here or there, some of these characteristics “come to the surface” and show up in a small portion of the 10%, but for most people, this is rarer. And when some of these memories come to the surface, we are often inert, not knowing how to act, or we deny and divert the focus, seeking to give a rational explanation for the sensation without delving into its roots.

    Like the iceberg, we are not just what we show ourselves to be. And what does the ice represent in us? WATER, momentarily differentiated from what is around it, and what is around it? Water. So, it's as if you were a moment when the water condensed and illusory became something intimate and private, but it's still water.

    From the perspective of Alchemy and other concepts of psychology and some spiritualist strands, our waters are compared to our emotions, and just as we should not block the waters of a river, we should not block our emotions, but make them flow harmoniously as the banks of a river.

    Thinking about it, what happens, with still water, the ice stones that we allow to build? What happens when we block our emotions? What does our ice represent in our life within the submerged sea of ​​water that we are?

    Stalled emotion, just like stagnant water, without movement, creates dirt, smells bad, breeds "bugs", just like dengue... spirit (psyche)? Just what you thought….causes pain, anguish, suffering, illness.

    Water is a symbol of creation, regeneration and purification, however, contaminated, it cannot continue to be the repository of these values. The uncompromising position to its flow can point to the reason for serious diseases throughout life. Time to rethink outdated opinions, situations, facts and “truths”.

    Man is the size of his delivery, of his Generosity, the great men of history were not those who had many things, but those who gave many things. Do not say: “I have found the Truth”, say rather: “I have found a truth”. There's only one moment of truth, where you look at life and say, "It can't be just appearance, there's something behind it, something behind the scenes, something beyond."

    Man does not believe that goodness, that justice, that beauty ceases, he perceives that they are reflected, perpetuated, but that they are dynamic, exist, are striking, leave footprints in the world, therefore, it cannot be unreal, illusory.

    So, if you had a moment of life, of inner experience, you had a truth, you glimpsed the truth, but not the truth. great truth, but just a moment of it, a flash, a prism angle. Due to the vanity of man, many times, due to the inflation (inflation) of the Ego, we enter a delirium process of this fraction of the truth, and we want to convince the world that we are right and want to measure ourselves again.

    For self-knowledge, we must keep the small parts of a truth, because it was only a little piece of the veil of illusion that was unveiled, to take a peek at the Light, and that we are still down here, with a lot to learn.

    That's why God talks so much about humility, recognizing how small we are in the face of a greater truth of the soul, of the essence. Do not say: "I have found the path of the soul", say rather: "I have found the soul by walking in my path". The fact is that no one can take away what you are. So you don't have to be so insecure, so hurt by what people have done to you, because what they achieve is not really who you are.

    That which we are deeply, no one can touch, no one can hurt… Then, you feel a state of security and freedom that allows you to dance and seek your greater SELF. Don't wait any longer, build a new truth from a new look, allow yourself to dive into the depths of your BEING and understand your pain, the stagnant emotions that lead you to suffering. Have an act of Courage.

    Self-knowledge begins with self-acceptance. Accept yourself and you will get to know yourself better, as Jean-Jacques Rousseau said: “No one can be happy if they do not appreciate themselves”. Stop denying facts, wanting to forget, because what is lived is not forgotten, it is not erased. Seek to understand, investigate the cause of your emotions and not just the apparent symptoms, dive deep into the root, in the core cell of PAIN, get out of the surface, from the tip of the iceberg.

    When you get to your mortal wound, don't victimize or blame yourself, just forgive yourself for having felt everything you felt, for having allowed yourself to experience such a situation with that condition, which at the time was the only one you found to deal with, and forgive the other, the aggressor, because he also had no other way of acting at that moment, due to lack of maturity, conscience affected by ignorance of thought or other reasons that no one can judge.

    Only with forgiveness can you reach Love, care for your own BEING, your essence, the one you still don't admit to exist and try to succumb to it through moral and social measures, so you judge, condemn, making it victim and hostage of his own prison. The unknown is the most generous place I have ever encountered in my life, precisely because it has always allowed me to start over.

    Deep down, we will never be able to prove that such truths are or are not absolute. It is enough, however, that they exist as inclinations of the psyche, and we know all too well what it is to lightly clash with these “truths”. It is equivalent to the conscious denial of the instincts, that is, to an uprooting, to a disorientation, to the lack of meaning of existence, or what other names can have these symptoms of inferiority.

    Come out of the darkness, the one that prevents your evolution, we came here for a purpose like all other beings in life, to evolve, and without knowing yourself, you will go through life without having fulfilled the greater purpose of your Spirit — if you want to go on denying that it exists. If so, use your limiting metrics, it's all about Choice! Good ways to discover yours Higher Self, Higher Self!

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