What's new in the world of therapies? Access Bars, try it!

    I have been attending to people with different issues for 11 years, and I also go through care so that I can improve as an individual and professional. I had been feeling in my heart that everything could be a little easier, without so much suffering to develop, fulfill dreams, be happier. Yes, I've been asking for it! An orientation on how to help myself and others to live lighter, because I really love serving people, I do it with all my heart.

    That's when the Access or Access Bars came. It's like my prayers are answered! I received the session first to try it out, because I only do in the other what I believe to be really good and that had results in me. I felt lighter, as if my mind was clearer and I could see who I am and where I should go. I invested in the course and am applying it, along with other techniques to help people. I have had great results in my life, in addition to seeing other people who have been attended to have it too.

    I've followed cases like: โ€œWho am I really in this world, what do I want from my life? Am I living the life I want? What choices should I make? Can I improve my self-esteem? Stop sabotaging me? How to live happier with a head so full? Where am I running?โ€ Yes, it is possible to improve this!

    90% of human behavior is driven by our unconscious (sometimes we live on autopilot and we don't even know it). This electromagnetic field is flexible, we can reprogram it and clear what blocks and slows us down, so that life becomes lighter and easier! Other people's points of view, files that we have stored throughout our lives are some examples of what can be modified.

    What's new in the world of therapies? Access Bars, try it!
    Andriy Popov / 123rf

    You know that thing about living one day at a time, feeling life and laughing for no reason, many times? That's it! Do you know how to have that start, that missing insight and say to yourself, that's it!? But where does this technique come from? It was developed in 1995 by psychologist Gary Douglas in the USA, and has been at Espaรฑa for 3 years. In the world, it is already present in 173 countries.

    What is this Consciousness Access Bars Therapy? It is a practice with gentle touches on the head, in which 32 energy points are touched, responsible for issues related to money, fears, trauma, phobias, body, health, inner peace and relationships with you and your body. During therapy, these points are released and, as a result, everything that is holding the person's life is unblocked.

    With the mind, let's say, "cleaner" we are ourselves, we see and feel which path is best in our life and what to do to be happier. With no religious connotation, it is a therapy that helps to release patterns and beliefs about ourselves, life, what is "right or wrong" for each of us.

    • How did Access Bars come into my life?
    • Understand how different types of therapy can impact a person!
    • How to use Access Bars Therapy on yourself
    • Discover Multidimensional Therapy: Healing Through the Heart
    • Watch out for limiting beliefs: learn why we should fight them!

    It also helps to deal with anxiety, childhood traumas and life events that made it difficult to achieve dreams and goals. The session lasts around 1 hour and is equivalent to 2 hours of deep meditation. Brain waves will slow down and the person will feel more relaxed, lighter, more aware, turning off autopilot and accessing information and insights that not even they knew they had. Anyone can receive a session, there is no contraindication. How do you know if it's good? Testing! LOL. Allow yourself!

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