What really matters?

What really matters?
How important is it to live?
The heart responds: to love.

Even in the midst of so many truths, beliefs, and systems, so, with delicacy, we perceive, within our soul, a feeling.

Who cares about notions about "right" e "wrong", or "Good" e "roomy", often falls into hypocrisy.

In life, the insane person, called “crazy”, lives the fullness, while many people are just living the trivial, believing that it is impossible to be different, and watching time pass.

Having the joy of living, of being, of dreaming, of wishing for beautiful madness, of following this path, which is worth much more than obeying rules and laws, is knowing yourself, and loving yourself.

And whoever is with you, or who feels you, who has a connection, understands this posture, this purpose.

What matters are not the symbols.

What matters is to act with the heart!

What really matters?

Because, from one moment to the next, everything can change.
If nothing is forever, neither are we.
Time passes.
Opportunities too.

Being calm and understanding helps a lot, as it eliminates doubts and fears, and brings confidence and certainty.

As life flows, we discover answers and inspiration in learning, and how much gratitude for that!

When we are disconcerted, or pain arises, or we feel the weight of some discomfort, it is because we are real beings, that within us there is a consciousness.

The cool thing is that by allowing ourselves to live, we make life lighter.

Everything matters.

It is important that we want to be alone.
It matters that we want to be together.
We are everything.

We are joy!
We are happiness!
We are all one.

We are our moments.

We are the moments of the end, the beginning, and the beginning.

What really matters?

Being is so simple!

It doesn't matter what we have and what we don't have.

We are the exchange, we are the sharing, we are the divide and multiply.

Caring in a superficial way, out of interest, out of obligation, exists.

It is also important to value those who recognize you, and then to take care of them.

Take care of those who take care of us, who take care of you, because the rest is just mere superficiality.

It is important to know how to receive, and, just as important, to know that we are what we offer and give to each other.

What matters is to reinvent yourself.

With difficulties come possibilities.
Besides flying, what really matters?
Important is love.
What really matters is love.
To love unconditionally.


Gratitude! I love Amituofo! Namaste!

You may like another article by this author. Access: Think about it: Making dreams come true!

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