What moves you?

What moves you?
Can you sense the rhythm of your breathing right now? Is it faster, slower, shorter, longer, quieter, louder?

Have you ever looked at the colors that surround you today? Have you looked into the eyes of people who are close to you or who cross your path? What are they wearing? How do they walk? What are you doing right now? Are you sitting in front of your computer at your desks? Are they moving in any direction? Talking on the phone? Reading messages? Is that you? How are you right now? How it feels? What thoughts are coming up as you read these questions?

Stay with what is alive in this moment. Notice the sensations in the body, the thoughts, the feelings. Try to look and observe all this without judgment, just with an observer's eye. Breathe.

This daily mindfulness exercise puts you in touch with what is happening moment to moment and helps you to observe what is happening right now in your life, around you.

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I wish you good thoughts.

Always do your best. Relax.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Have a great day.

With love,

We continue,

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