What matters is your peace

    Under the cover of the virtual world, we lead our lives based on recipes, on tips, on people. Suddenly our focus is on having a body like someone else, we want a job like someone else, the house we saw posted on Facebook, the book that a nice person is referring to… questioning who we are and not knowing the answer.

    Exacerbated consumerism, the dictatorship of fashion, the direct (but not always transparent) exposure of things and people sells the idea of ​​what true happiness is.

    And we mere mortals often find that our lives are not as colorful as the posts we see daily, that our smiles are not as captivating as the one on the cover of the magazine, that your family is not as perfect as you would like. The culture of dissatisfaction and greed for the “other” has taken root in such a way that many people think that they would only be happy if they were someone else.

    What matters is your peace
    cottonbro / Pexels

    If you've identified yourself as part of this mass, I ask you to ask yourself the following reflection: Do you really think these people are happy and perfect all the time? That families never fight and just smile like in the pictures?

    Are magazine covers as happy and perfect as they look?

    In 2020 we were able to review concepts and I hope you took the time to deconstruct the concept that what belongs to others is better.

    What matters is your peace
    MariusVenter / Pexels

    You are a unique being! Look around you. The people around you, the life that offers you thousands of opportunities to smile every day. The fact that you can wake up, breathe, eat is already a reason for ecstasy. Look within yourself. Instead of looking for smiles on magazine covers, look for the authenticity of your smile. Love yourself. Look in the mirror and see the miracle of existing.

    Is it really necessary to be sad or feel inferior for not living in a mansion? Or for not having millions in your account? Or not having the sculptural body similar to the picture in the perfect post?

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    Because happiness cannot be conditioned to “having”; Happiness is a matter of “being”. Seek what is best in you. Care about the people around you, not what they sell you from something you don't even know its essence. Love your body, for it is your main refuge. Love your life.

    Because there is no greater happiness in the world than being at peace.

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