What makes an excellent professional different?

We talked about habits a few weeks ago and they are here again.

An excellent professional is not a leader, but a leader who has learned; it is not a ready-made manager, but a constructed manager. An excellent professional is developed in the field of education, exposed to conflicts, encouraged by challenges and prepared for weaknesses.

In the past, being a good professional, no matter what the profession, was enough to have security, get some perks, achieve goals. Today, societies, especially capitalist societies, undergo rapid and aggressive transformations, where it is not enough to be good, it is necessary to achieve excellence, including to stay healthy.

In the past, a large company took two or three generations to disappear, close, sell or go bankrupt. Today, it only takes a few years or months to go into decline. Good professionals are run over in a highly competitive market, where only the excellent survive. In times of crisis, this situation for the only β€œgood” people worsened even more. They are much more exposed.

What makes an excellent professional different?

But what does it mean to be an excellent professional? This is a great debate! What are the main differences between a good professional and an excellent one? That's another great debate! An excellent professional challenges your intelligence more and develops at least five outstanding habits.

It's not the one who works the most, it's the one who thinks the most.
It is not what is predictable, but what is surprising.
It is not what repeats behaviors, but what is reinvented.
It's not what plasters the mind with routine, but what sets the imagination free.

What makes an excellent professional different?

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They are:

1st Habit: good professionals do everything that is asked of them, while excellent professionals surprise, doing more than what is asked of them.

2st Habit: good professionals correct mistakes, while excellent professionals prevent them.

3st Habit: good professionals execute orders, while excellent professionals think for the company and organizations.

4st Habit: good professionals are individualists, while excellent professionals work as a team, fight for the team.

5st Habit: good professionals use the power of fear and pressure, while excellent professionals use the power of praise.

The sooner you change your habits, the sooner you'll realize that it's more important to learn to think and surprise than to cover yourself with just good degrees.

Success! Cheers! Let's go!

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