What lesson does the clown's joy bring us?

Shall we talk about joy today? Perhaps the personification of joy is in the person of the clown. Is it true or not that when we look at that colorful man, with a red nose, we immediately remember the joy?

It's like looking at him and we're already getting ready to hear a joke.

Nowadays, there are even the famous “stand ups”, which are people who make us laugh with a clean face.

Recalling my childhood, when I think about this, I immediately come to the image of “Os Trapalhões”, without a doubt these 4 were pioneers in the art of making people laugh with a clean face,…even today when looking at any of them, we expect a joke, a prank, or something that brings us joy.

If we go further, abroad, we remember Chaplin, the Fat and the Thin…

I'm going to stop mentioning names here so I don't get complicated, forgetting someone important.

What I really want and bring back these memories of clowns, is actually talking about the importance of laughter, of joy, always remembering that “whoever laughs scares them away”.

What lesson does the clown's joy bring us?

Perhaps the most important part of this whole message is joy, which is that feeling of contentment, pleasure in living, satisfaction with life and with everyone!

We are approaching the end of the year! Holiday season, celebrations that should have Joy as the main theme, but we know that this is not always the case.

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Maybe the year was difficult, things are not so easy! But putting a smile on our face is our only weapon.

And as if it were our way of revolting, despite the “battles”. It would be like saying “Look, I'm laughing! Because I know that being better depends on me!”.

Perhaps this is the lesson that clowns want to leave us with, and we never realized it this way before! Because "clown" when he's not in the circus and comes to life is labeled a fool!

What is being silly, the one who keeps the smile despite adversity and goes through it with more lightness, or the one who thinks he is the victim of the situation and can't see things in a different way?

Think about it! And a Happy 2020!!!

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