What kills a relationship?

    What kills a relationship?
    No, it is not the media, the internet, modernity, TV, feminism, machismo, or any other phenomenon that is responsible for the increasing number of relationships and marriages in crisis, or destroyed.

    The cancer that eats away at relationships is called SELFISHNESS. No sentimental relationship, even friendship, can last if one of the people prioritizes the selfish satisfaction of their desires and wants.

    Selfishness generates only sorrows and sorrows. Selfishness builds high walls, digs deep chasms between people who wanted to live together forever and ever.

    Certainly, there would be much less suffering in the world if selfish people, that is, people who are not willing to dedicate themselves to the happiness of others, had the wisdom to remain alone.

    Every relationship should be a routine of mutual giving. Otherwise, both will be unhappy. And so, alliances that should be eternal break like the cheapest glass.

    In this sense, we need to show that selfishness is a sign of immaturity, as it is a natural attitude in children, who do not need to be taught to seek their personal satisfaction above everything and everyone else.

    So, run away from this emotional immaturity, because those who do not take pleasure in the satisfaction and happiness of those close to them will never be fully happy, that is, they become an insatiable person in their selfishness and no matter how much you do, you will never be good for the other. .

    Feeding the selfishness of the other is trying to dry the waters of the ocean.

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