What is the root of fear?

    Stop for a moment and try to remember things you stopped doing or did because of fear. If you are an ordinary person, like me and most of humanity, you must have remembered several situations. Now think a little about all that you missed out on or could have gained from life experience if it weren't for fear. It is distressing to know that we are failing to live because of this. But now comes the question: how to overcome fear?

    As with all problems people have in life, I always get them to reflect on this point: dig deep and find the root of the problem. It is like a plant that has a rotten root. If you just cut the branches, new problem branches will pop up again. But if you pull out the rotten root, a new fruit tree can be planted.

    What is the root of fear?The root of fear can be found in many places. Whether it's childhood trauma, an unpleasant experience with people close to you, drug problems, or even anxiety, there's not just one place where fear starts to grow. The secret to finding your answer (since each person must look for the roots of their problems) is to seek a method of self-knowledge. Only discovering who we really are can help us to find the roots of our fears and anxieties so that we can free ourselves from them.

    Some people find self-knowledge in philosophy, others in religion, others in therapy, others in meditation. The important thing is that you find the way that makes you better and manages to make you bring from your unconscious the answers to improve your life and gain more and more confidence and security in yourself. For, trusting in your essence, no fear can shake you. And if any method doesn't work, don't be discouraged. Look for the form of self-knowledge that makes you feel good and works for you. If there are several methods, it is because one of them is the one that will lead you to know yourself better and help you overcome your challenges.

    Another important point that I always like to emphasize is the importance of living in the now, the present. Fear often has its origin in the past, just as anxiety is generated from the expectation of an uncertain future. We cannot change the past nor live a future that does not yet exist. But we can always face the present in a courageous and true way, with an open heart to what happens. Learn to trust yourself so nothing can shake your present. For that is where you will live and be who you really are, and most importantly, without fear.

    • Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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