What is the influence of sex on your life?

    I have reflected a lot on this subject, something that is constantly developing here. I was one of the last of the group of friends to lose my virginity, at that time, sex, for me, was directly linked to love, and so I waited until I found a guy I loved to “give myself up”. Over the years, I've joked that if I'd known it was this good, I would have done it sooner. But the real thing is that these two postures no longer fit the person I am today.

    First because, yes, I think it was fundamental to have started my sex life with a nice guy, who respected my time and for whom I had a special feeling. And another that if it had happened before, probably my relationship with sex would be different. Who knows.

    What is the influence of sex on your life?

    The fact is that sex itself involves a lot that goes beyond what it really is. I invite you to reflect on this.

    I've used sex as a "weapon" of conquest and as a bargaining chip. And today, perhaps not with the clarity and lightness I would like, I can identify all these situations and realize how foolish I was at many times. But, you know, it's that old story that we need to experience situations to evolve on this plane.

    For me, sex has nothing to do with love, they may or may not walk together. I no longer give myself to someone if it's not entirely my will. And I understood that sex doesn't win anyone's love and doesn't make me special to anyone.

    Today, I understand sex as a form of expression, it is through it that I let what is inside me flow, those things that words are not able to translate. That I exchange my energies with the universe and with the other. Sex is a tool for self-knowledge, expansion and a channel of love. Not just romantic love for each other, but most importantly, self-love!

    What is the influence of sex on your life?

    Sex is wonderful whether it's one, two, three, as many as you want, as long as you're whole, aware and present in the moment you're having it.

    Sex is touch, breathing, heart beating, but mostly soul vibrating.

    I wish you to find yourself in sex and be very happy. Always, of course, within your truth. Sex is life! So, let's live!


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