What is the difference between being beautiful and being attractive to people?

Would you like to be a beauty reference or be someone extremely attractive?

The question seems a bit redundant, doesn't it? The words beauty and attractive seem to be synonymous or come very close to it, right?

Not so much.

Perhaps in common sense they are similar, but in reality these characteristics are different and very different. Beauty refers to our outward appearance. It encompasses things like:

  • Hair cut, length and color;
  • Eye shape and color;
  • Bone structure;
  • Physical.

In general, natural beauty is genetically formed and cannot be artificially created—but it can be enhanced. In other words, if someone is not naturally beautiful, their appearance can be improved, but that person will never be truly stunning.

Being “attractive”, on the other hand, is a condition that mixes external and internal characteristics that, when combined, produce a certain kind of incomparable magnetism.

The attraction combines:

  • Physical appearance;
  • Attitude;
  • Personality;
  • Disposition.

What is the difference between being beautiful and being attractive to people?So someone very attractive might not be that person on the magazine cover. But we see the effects of this in our daily lives.

Consider a “strange couple”. You know that couple where the girl is amazing from head to toe and the guy is just “ok”?

At the same time, we ask ourselves, “What the hell is this girl doing to him?”

The answer is simple: what it lacks visually, it makes up for in other areas.

We think the most beautiful people live with 1001 suitors at their feet. But really, if a really attractive person shows up, they win the game.

Think of the popular British singer-songwriter Seal as an example. Let's be honest - it's not exactly what we call "forbidden fruit". However, he was attractive enough that he became famous in an industry where good looks are a condition and a one-way ticket to success. Also consider that he won the heart of beautiful super model Heidi Klum.

Be Attractive X Be Beautiful

Be pretty

  • Beauty is a pure and natural physical image;
  • Beauty can be inherited, done through surgery or Photoshop;
  • Beauty is individual and associated with physical characteristics;

be attractive

  • Attraction flows and is variable. It comes from the inside out.
  • Attraction is developed and evolves over time. She is immune to age.
  • Attraction is an attainable goal for those who care about their bodies, enjoying their lives, maintaining sensuality and engaging with others.

We can change our appearance with makeup and cosmetics. We can manipulate our bodies and hair with clothes, tattoos and accessories. But looks are only part of the equation.

So what makes a person attractive? 

Michaelis defines attractive as: “endowed with the ability to attract; charming, seductive”. And its synonyms, according to the Dictionary of Antonyms and Synonyms, are:

  • Kind;
  • Nice;
  • Charming;
  • Captivating.

Being an attractive person goes beyond showing muscles, a tight ass and a beautiful set of teeth. It hides our true essence as human beings.

The way we interact with others and the world around us is the secret to being truly attractive. It's the way we lead life. How we feel about ourselves. And most importantly, it's how we make others feel when they're in our presence.

To leave no doubt, physical beauty is a critical element in being attractive. The key is to be proud of who you are, how you keep yourself clean, how you groom yourself, and how you display your self-esteem and worth—two very attractive qualities.

In short, it's simple: being attractive is our ability to bring people closer… It's our magnetism.

Written by Amanda Magliaro of Team Me Without Borders

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