What is self-respect and how to practice it?

How many times have you found yourself doing something you shouldn't have done or regretted getting involved with someone or going to a place you knew had nothing to do with you? It happens… When we do things like that, we're actually disrespecting who we are.

If we avoid doing to others what they say they don't want to, why do we go against our own will and act against what we know is good for us? Having self-respect, that is, respect for yourself, is fundamental! Understand why and how to do it!

What is self-respect?

In a nutshell, self-respect is respecting your wants, your desires, your dreams and, of course, your “unwills” as well, avoiding doing what you don’t want to do, instead of forcing a situation you don’t want.

How to respect yourself?

There's only one way to respect yourself: listen to the things you want and the things you don't. And listening is not letting in one ear and out the other, but doing what your heart wants you to do!

10 tips and situations in which you can respect yourself

Throughout life, in the personal, family, affective, professional sphere and in many others, we are presented with situations in which we can choose to do what we want or what is expected of us, for example. It is in these moments that you will choose between having (or not) self-respect.

Check out the list of example situations in which you can respect yourself more and try to apply these tips to your life:

1 – Don’t take a job that hurts you: yes, we need to pay the bills and the bills keep coming, but working with something that causes displeasure, in the long run, can cause problems like burnout, depression and anxiety, so find one a job that makes you feel good (or at least doesn't hurt you);

What is self-respect and how to practice it?
Vojtech Okenka / Pexels

2 – Don’t be around people who hurt you: it doesn’t matter if it’s a family member, a friend or your current partner, walk away if that person intentionally makes you feel bad or talk if you notice the person do not do it with intent. Don't be afraid to walk away from those who do wrong;

3 – Dress however you want: no matter what your partner thinks or what people will think on the street, dress however you want. And walk as you like, talk as you like, and do as you like;

4 - Don't disconnect from your dreams: when we have a north, the walk gains some meaning. It's okay to leave a dream behind and create a new one, but knowing which direction you want to go can go a long way in defining what you want out of life and what you should (or shouldn't) do to achieve it;

What is self-respect and how to practice it?
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

5 – Don't get intimately involved with someone without feeling like it: many times, we end up getting involved with someone or having intimate relationships with a person just because we want to please or because we need to. Knowing the type of person who attracts you and what turns you on is essential to respect yourself;

6 – Don't shut up: if you feel like saying something, say it. When we shut up, do we disrespect us, or are you going to say that hearing someone tell you to shut up when you try to talk is not disrespectful? For doing this to yourself is also;

7 – You deserve much more: whenever you realize that you are settling for an unpleasant situation, remember that you deserve more, simply because we all deserve more happiness and contentment, so never get used to less;

What is self-respect and how to practice it?
Julia Larson / Pexels

8 – Allow yourself certain luxuries: as far as possible, allow yourself small (or large luxuries), such as an escape from the diet, 10 more minutes in bed, a weekend away from everything, a vacation... pleasing yourself, just as you try to please someone when you are in love, for example;

9 – Even if it annoys someone: if what you want to do can irritate or hurt someone else, you need to leave it in the background, because not doing it can irritate or hurt you, so know how to put yourself first to respect yourself;

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10 – Love yourself as you love the other: yes, the Christian saying is the opposite, it says to love the other as we love ourselves, but the truth is that, in times of low self-esteem and lack, we give more to the other than to ourselves themselves, so it is necessary to reverse and try to please yourself in the same way as you please the other.

Those who learn to respect themselves are much more likely to live a full, happy and satisfying life, because they learn to listen to themselves and understand what they want out of life and what will be good for their heart. Know how to listen, don't shut up your wills or your voice! To respect the other, respect yourself first of all!

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