What is obsession? Do I have? And if I have? How do I free myself?

The first step is awareness, as knowledge is the key to expanding awareness. Here you will learn a little about vibrational energy patterns. Thoughts and feelings that cause obsession or attract incarnate and disembodied obsessors. Free yourself! It just depends on you, your will, your free will.

Every obsession comes from the mind, because it is in it that the thoughts that direct your life act. GET READY! DO NOT FEAR… WALK… with firm and sure steps. Understand now the vibrational patterns and their variations. It is in knowledge that you remove many veils of erroneous concepts and prejudices regarding obsessional pictures.

Come! Insist... Persist in new experiences and learning, to have better days, being light, loose and free. Come on:

Who is the obsessor?

It is the one that causes obsession, persecution, fixed idea for love or hate. It is an incarnate or disembodied spiritual being who, due to lack of awareness and having suffered any kind of injustice or excess of what he judges love, believes he has the right to demand or be present. Often, this obsessor is that being who, through suffering and disappointment, has become unbalanced and will always look for the people in his life who participated or induced his slips to blame.

He is not a victim either, he is just a being just like any other, but he just didn't know how to deal with this situation that brought him suffering, so he does everything to transfer the blame for his misdemeanors and his unhappiness, but that, as soon as it is clarified and conscientious, you can also change your vibratory pattern and stop being an obsessor.

He is, in short, an unhappy and sick being who did not have the possibility to be made aware, so he feels abandoned and his feelings of revenge or lack of conviviality overlap, making him an obsessor.

What is obsession? Do I have? And if I have? How do I free myself?
Philipp Lansing / Unsplash

Here is the opportunity for the obsessor and the obsessed to become aware and free themselves for a better life in this and other incarnations.


1 - Do you feel obsessed by someone?

2 — Does this someone always come to your mind?

3 — What situation did you live that led you to interpret being obsessed?

4 — Report the situation in detail, including whether the person is incarnate or not.

Who is the obsessed?

It is everyone who is harassed or persecuted, because he allows it. Obsession does not always occur due to demands from this or past lives. It may happen that the disincarnate, due to lack of awareness, stays next to the other person, just to share their day to day, for not having understood that they are already on another plane and for feeling helpless, isolated, then the process begins. disturbing obsessive, without any charge, just a lack of clarification.

In turn, the obsessed person participates in this attunement, calling, being inconsolable with the separation.

There is also the obsession with demand, in which the obsessed person is not a victim, but a participant, as it has allowed, with its low-level vibration, to attract those with whom it has readjustments and who feel entitled to demand.

Most of the time, those who are obsessed, when they allow themselves to transform themselves, moralizing themselves and becoming aware that not everyone thinks alike, because each being is in a degree of evolution and sees situations according to this pattern - and if they live the Laws of God, they will learn to transform hatred and the desire for revenge by working on love and forgiveness. If you use your best self, you will eliminate pride and arrogance by living and working in humility.

What is obsession? Do I have? And if I have? How do I free myself?
christian ferrer / Unsplash

In all obsessive pictures, there are several types of stages that can go from simple disturbance, in which the obsessed person, just changing his vibrational pattern, living the Laws of God and leaving the obsessor's vibration tuning, already raises his vibration pattern and breaks free. There are also the most serious cases, in which the obsessor can even vampirize, manipulate, induce and lead to situations of madness or even suicide.


1 – Do you feel confused? Yes or No?

2 — Constant tiredness? Yes or No?

3 — Do you sleep and wake up stressed? Yes or No?

4 — Do you feel emptiness or vacuum sensations in your stomach? Yes or No?

5 — Fixed thoughts in certain situations? Yes or No?

6 — States of weakness? Yes or No?

7 — Do you cry for nothing? Yes or No?

8 — Do you have the feeling that you are always accompanied? Yes or No?

9 — Do you find it difficult to say prayers? Yes or No?

10 — Do you have any unjustified fear? Yes or No?

Now that you already know who the obsessor is, who the obsessed is and where the obsession comes from. Let's go to the types of obsessions, that is, the vibrational patterns considered obsessive:

Incarnated for incarnated

Although the layman does not even believe it can exist, it is the most common. They are people who think they own others because of their financial power, hierarchy, family ties (wife, husband, father, mother, children); They are true obsessors. Even so, this would not happen if the obsessed did not allow it. He understands that if God allowed this interaction, whether family or professional, it is because everyone involved has something to learn, to see or to forgive each other, so there are no victims or executioners; both are beings that need mutual help for readjustment, which can be from other existences or from this same one.

incarnate to disincarnate

What is obsession? Do I have? And if I have? How do I free myself?
Gabriel Barletta / Unsplash

At first glance, many consider it impossible, but it is possible and much more common than you might think. Let's understand:

The incarnate who does not accept the passage of his loved one to the spiritual world or who does not even understand - or believes that there is life after death and who is in a constant state of despair, through crying and calling the disincarnate to solve problems, thinking he has become an angel or blaspheming with the disincarnate — he places himself as an obsessor of his already disincarnated loved one, this occurs as possession love.

disembodied to disembodied

Without the dense covering of matter, the spirits that still do not have the awareness of the laws of God, and the harmony of the Universe, of the Cosmos, of love and forgiveness and who believe that, through an "an eye for an eye", they will satisfy their thirst for vengeance, wandering to find those who they think are their debtors, then they will end up becoming easy prey for hardened spirits the Laws of God, which are just and for all beings created by Him and which promise them help in their purposes. But, sometimes, the charge arrives soon after and becomes a vicious circle of obsessions, which can last for centuries. Hence the importance of awareness.

disembodied to incarnated

This type of obsession is the most common, because of the ease that the disincarnate has to locate the incarnate, so the meeting becomes less difficult and the collection and coexistence start to be made, usually in order to disrupt the incarnate.

childhood obsession

Parents and guardians. Although children are thought to be like little angels, their spirits are already centenarians or millennials, but they can also be obsessed by demands from past lives. In these cases, it is up to the parents or guardians to lead them along the paths of good and love, making them aware, experiencing and teaching the

God's laws. And always keeping in mind that children are not their properties, but beings that are about to evolve and be part of this world in the best possible way helps to break the tune of the obsessor, who does not see them as children, but as someone who harmed, so he wants to compensate for the losses. Family is to love, forgive and evolve together in good and in love, with respect and understanding always.

simple obsession

What is obsession? Do I have? And if I have? How do I free myself?
Gabriel Barletta / Unsplash

The symptoms are: constant discomfort and confused thoughts, usually different from when the person is not obsessed, and these thoughts start to take strength, so the person believes they may be his. The weakness of willpower to interrupt the vicious frames also facilitates obsession, as the obsessor uses the individual's weaknesses to more easily reach him.

serious obsession

When this influence becomes dominant over the person, a serious obsessional framework is installed, which reaches the subjugation of the individual, who no longer has a will of his own, making the mental standard so low that it facilitates domination by the obsessor. In these cases, the obsessor acts like a parasite that installs itself in the obsessed person and weakens him, as it feeds on him through the centers of strength and influences him in such a way that makes him so weak, so if he does not resort to the help of disobsession in a spiritist house, you can even be driven to madness or to disincarnate, because your energy will be all sucked. In general, in this obsessive classification, the obsessor acts not only in the mind, but mainly in the central nervous system, completely disrupting the obsessed person, who in the vast majority of cases is taken to convulsions even without any type of scientifically proven physical illness that can generate that disturbance or behavior.

self obsession

This type of obsession is also very common, that are one, that is, the very person who, due to their imbalances in their way of thinking and in their extremist behaviors, wanting to be above everything and everyone, judges themselves the owner of the truth. absolute and who would never need to change, so he ends up getting frustrated when he realizes that everyone is moving away from his tyranny, then he condemns himself to loneliness, and often doesn't even realize his actions and behaviors, blaming others for not being understood. They are people who love each other too much, everything is better and perfect and no one is up to them, because they are very critical in any situation, so nothing is good, there is always a why, a “what if…”, a could, a would be etc. The opposite can also occur, in which the person pretends to be unhappy, sick, poor thing, tyrannizing everyone who lives with him at his whim and always superimposing himself as the center of the world, even if it is out of unhappiness, just to get attention. Always remember that there is a being who is above everything and everyone and that his laws were created to be practiced by everyone. Until that happens, anyone can suffer from obsession, regardless of their social, family, financial level and even their spiritual knowledge, if they don't practice it.

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It is important to always remember that having God given free will, that is, "the possibility of deciding and choosing according to one's own will, free from any conditioning, motive or determining cause," it is up to each one to choose for his or her own evolution. according to your conditions and preferences, without charges or suffering. However, precisely by the great mercy and justice of God, everyone will have to readjust with each other of their debts and failures of each incarnation, through awareness, love and forgiveness. For that, Divine wisdom gave each one its spark of love and when everyone learns to use it, they will be freed from suffering and readjustments with their brothers whom they call obsessors.

the vices

Generally speaking, addictions always bring some kind of damage and negative involvement, leading the person to two stages: self-obsession and serious obsession.


People who eat out of anxiety, out of frustration at not being able to face and work out the real cause of their anxiety or disappointments. In addition to eating inordinately, which will bring them physical health problems that have already been scientifically proven, they will also be opening the door and inviting spirits with that same energy of gluttony to connect in the same band and feed on the fluids of the incarnate.


They are usually docile and good people, who can understand other people, but they don't understand each other, they don't know and they don't have the strength to help themselves and, because they don't have spiritual knowledge and don't share living with God within themselves, they surrender for lack of of faith and even the opportunity of someone who understands them, as they live in a state of deep need.


What is obsession? Do I have? And if I have? How do I free myself?
christopher lemercier / Unsplash

It is the open door to imbalances, and obsession is one of them. The person who is not interested in anything other than his daily obligations ends up joining the idle group that wants nothing and does nothing. As a result, irritation, discouragement, prostration, lack of interest and often even depression come. These are some of the most common types of obsession. The best thing to do when you identify with some of these types of obsessive frames is to help yourself and accept help. Always seek and allow yourself to do something different and healthy, innovate, create, learn and have fun - whether with your company or in the company of others.

Get right with your mistakes and successes, with differences and equality. Forgive yourself, forgive, love people, love yourself. Understand that it is balance that brings harmony and understanding.

Remember that thoughts turn into feelings, which turn into behaviors and actions—and those prompt your reactions. Knowing how to educate and even control thoughts frees and attracts good, love and compassion, which is the ability to forgive that every human being has within them.

Always think good, always do good, always act in good, don't worry about the opinion of others, but with your will to do, be and be in good and in love always. Experiences and situations are opportunities for growth and improvement of good and love.

Awareness is the best solution! She is constant. Every day, new learning, and new opportunities for progress and evolution arise in the awakening of consciousness. Everything changes. Everything changes, including you and the people around you. For we are all evolving spirits. Don't judge and don't judge yourself. Don't criticize and don't criticize yourself.

You are a child of God. You have the ability to help and ask for help. God always answers the request of his children, for he loves everyone. He does not punish, he is not in a hurry, for you and he are eternal. The readjustments for your evolution need not be through suffering. Allow yourself to learn.

Never give up on yourself. Never give up on God. Always be willing to know and learn more and more. Self-knowledge is liberating. The vibrational patterns presented here are some of the main ones, studied for years by the Casa de Conscientização e Cura dos Tarefeiros, among other bibliographies. In addition, the book “Libertando-se — How to get rid of the negative energies of everyday life” was used as a source, written by DE Mariah, for information and spiritual and energetic education of each one, who opens up and accepts awareness and healing in the good, through love and evolution.

A big hug to everyone.

Dorothea Ruiz

President and Director of the House of Consciousness and Healing of Taskers.

Taskmasters Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcqdlM0HaX0Tj4gWY95F13A

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