What is living a spiritual life

The pursuit of most beings is always aimed at achieving peace, well-being, prosperity, and fulfillment. We are always projecting ourselves out and planning conquest actions, even unconsciously.

We bring with us this culture of conquering something very, very strongly. Not that this is a bad thing, but without a certain awakening we are soon invaded by a good dose of stress, from the routine. Mental fatigue, the frustrations generated by the excessive desires of wanting and wanting more, deeply disconnect us from the subtle and luminous side of life. It is common to use the speech that we look like programmed robots. In a way, it's not wrong speech.

What is living a spiritual life

Like everyone else, I've always lived looking for something beyond myself. In the profession, the goal was to go as far as possible and raise new challenges. The securities society favors this stance.

the divine gaze

I remember a time when I was mentally exhausted from work and with a lot of malaise, flu and more flu, insomnia and restlessness. I went to a homeopath with a more holistic approach and I remember his words to this day: “Why do you seek success so much? Just do what you need and what you need will come.”

What is living a spiritual life

Seeing it like this, it looks like a fortune teller, prophecy… anyway! In fact, he was just a good doctor with a good dose of perception, empathy and yes, a more divine look at the other being.

That's the point! That look that this doctor had on me woke me up. I left there reflecting with my prescription in hand. In fact, two. The one I had to have done and the one I needed to practice.

It is the divine gaze that we forget: first from us to ourselves, then from us to each brother or sister on the journey, and finally to the world. This look gives quality to existence.

When we forget that look, that soft and sweet tone of life, we forget our greater purpose, which in my view is to experience, is to live in mutual cooperation, acceptance, laughter and smiles.

The search at last

When I started practicing raja yoga meditation, I was exhausted. Most of us turn to these practices when something doesn't go well because we believe we need to be saved, always.

What is living a spiritual life

I learned that in addition to everything I played there was an original and pure being and that I was that being and everything else just roles that I played without much awareness of it.

Everything was a reason to meditate: walking, seeing the colors of the fruits, noticing the birds in the trees, the lyrics of a good song, the implicit message in a movie, a meeting with a friend always brought me a message to revolt. Everything became a meditation room.

In this new life proposal, now with purpose, I learned that being and having are very different things. One comes from me and the other from mine. One comes from the echo and the other from the ego. It's liberating to learn to let go and get out of this take-and-hold attitude that most of us live in. Always begging for some kind of love or recognition.

Meditating brought me a beautiful awakening and the harbinger of a deep and beautiful spiritual life.

The mind that is at a High and Pure Frequency becomes equal

Meditating is not stopping thinking and that made me very happy. I love knowing that we think all the time. A sign that we have vital energy spinning and we are co-creators of the world.

What is living a spiritual life

Meditating on raja yoga is knowing how to coordinate thoughts, focus on their quality and certainly foster what is high, recognizing all the qualities we already bring with us! Peace, truth, happiness, purity, power…everything is already ours. This is why letting go of the possessive attitude gives us so much more. It gives us because what we do is a movement of cultivation and care and not of greed or pettiness. We overflow what we have and we certainly receive what we give. Here, the law of return applies, which when well understood, without fear and without weight, becomes a tool of freedom.

This whole movement involves being connected with the God you believe in. I like to sit in front of a great Spiritual Sun and receive energy there to bring out the best I already have. It is a restorative silence and a connection to a High and Pure Frequency. Little by little, with daily practice, we create a sweet relationship with this Soul of Light. We have a Friend, a Father, a Mother, a Brother, a Guide… without intermediaries.

Meditating put me immersed in an Ocean of Love and possibilities without me having to get into the mechanics that every day is a day to fight. I understood that every day is a day to enjoy.

I learned that every day is a day to live with the natural faith of being and a spiritual life invites us to create assertive introspection and loving communication.

You don't have to run away or isolate yourself, or even be weird. We are what we are and a spiritual life asks us to do just that: to be what we really are so that all the treasures found in us can be donated. The more we give, the richer we are.

the treasures? Ah… our peace is an imperishable treasure. The love we bring, the purity of enchantment in the face of a new day, in which we can see everything with the innocence of children, but with attitudes full of mastery.

Spiritual life is all life, after all. No distinctions.

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