What is happiness?

I don't think there is a single answer that defines what happiness is, but the definition I like the most, I heard from the philosopher Lúcia Helena Galvão: "Happiness is when nature's goals are realized through you" (Lúcia Helena Galvão). So, in this article, I propose a reflection on what these goals of nature would be for us human beings.

Nature wants us to be more human

According to the philosopher Lúcia Helena Galvão, nature wants us to become human beings with higher qualities.

When we go to a nature that is little contaminated by civilization, if we look without paying much attention, everything looks like a disordered chaos, however, when we start to observe more closely, we realize that there is a dynamic balance there in which everything has its role and is in place. right and at the right time.

A leaf that falls from the tree, falls because it dies, but it will become fertilizer for a new life to bloom.

What is happiness?

Everyone has their role in nature; minerals as minerals; the plants, as vegetables; and animals, like animals.

Therefore, when we go to a less contaminated nature, we have a feeling of well-being, because it is healthy; everything in it works as it should, like an ecological system.

We human beings have been blessed with the ability to discern and be aware of our condition. The ability to think, reflect and create distinguishes us as a species and gives us an enormous power to transform nature, from which, however, we end up distancing ourselves a lot and also losing contact with our inner nature.

What is happiness?
Quan Nguyen/ Unsplash

So, what qualities would these bring us to full happiness?

Well, to discover them you don't have to go to college or read millions of books. Just think of common sense: what comes to your mind when you think of high human values?

You don't need to be a great intellectual to think about justice, respect, generosity, fraternity, kindness, honesty, etc.

It is these values ​​that touch us most deeply when we witness or perform high human acts.

It would be going towards everything that is noble (in the sense of elevated), beautiful, just and good.

Happiness is going in search of these qualities within yourself

What is happiness?
Diana Simumpande/Unsplash

The individual who has unique and unrepeatable qualities is the one who walks towards these noble human ideals.

Each being has particular qualities and capabilities, and nature has made us different for a good reason: so that each of us can contribute to the whole with our own personal touch.

Therefore, Socrates recommended self-knowledge to everyone. Going deep inside yourself to observe reality from the inside out and, thus, know who you are; know what you vibrate in front of.

Developing your personal capabilities, fully expressing who you are, revealing your true nature is moving towards noble ideals.

By going in search of yourself, you understand what you want to be; what you want to feel.

In this process of discovering yourself, you know true happiness: what your nature is telling you and you start to be guided by it.

What is happiness?
Kal Visuals/Unsplash

Using the mind's ability to observe itself, you move to a second stage: having the courage to be who you really are, to not give up on yourself. You start to face with an open heart every challenge that life brings you without victimizing yourself and learn to build at each stage, always evolving, leaving a trace of your identity in each life you touch.

This is the process of the unfolding of the human being: a process of entering the adventure of building oneself with a desire to contribute to life.

There is no happiness if someone is harmed

This process is a knowing how to give and receive, a constructive exchange in which there is no pleasure if it hurts someone. There are only pleasures when they are compatible with the serenity of the soul, with the dignity of oneself and others.

Follow nature: inside and out

Nature expects us to have human values, to develop virtues and wisdom, to be cooperative and fraternal.

Nature has given us a mind with enormous capabilities, so if we learn to pay attention to our thoughts and feelings, we will develop an inner life.

What is happiness?
Warren Wrong/Unsplash

This is the reconnection with nature from within: a process that requires will and determination, but with liberating results. (You can check how connected you are with nature in this test: How connected are you with inner and outer nature?)

By reconnecting, you gain the most important knowledge: what you want out of life and also what life wants from you.

This process elevates us, as it makes it easier for us to align ourselves with positive, human, higher intentions.

The consequence is complete happiness.

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The process of searching for noble ideals combined with the reconnection with the inner nature makes us in tune with the vital source of life, with the love of the universe. This is the driving force of evolution, which lifts us up and makes us shoot arrows that will touch the hearts of many people.

Centered on ourselves, rooted in our own values, principles, tastes, ideals, things that make the heart sing, anchored in our own inner nature (you can test your degree of connection with your inner nature by taking the test mentioned above), we are ready to dance with life. This is happiness itself!


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