What is Christmas for each religion?

Even without consensus on the date, Catholics celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25th. The date marks the winter solstice and was adopted by the Catholic Church in the 3rd century during the Roman Empire for pagan peoples to convert to Catholicism. But how is this date celebrated in other faiths? Find out here what Christmas is for each religion.

Religions of African Origin

What is Christmas for each religion?
Annie Spratt/Unsplash

Umbanda people celebrate Christmas On the same day as Catholics, in religion there is even a current called Christian Umbanda. For them, Oxalá – which in religious syncretism is associated with Jesus – is the first incarnate spirit that speaks about spiritual life. The celebration is the time to thank Oxalá and practice love between people. CandomblĂ© supporters they do not commemorate the birth of Jesus, but celebrate the importance of the beginning of life.  

Indian people

The Christmas Celebration of Indigenous Peoples began in the Colonial Period, due to Catholic influence. With the mixture, they pray, read the Bible, sing Christmas carols in their languages ​​and celebrate a mass where tapioca takes the place of the host. For indigenous peoples Christmas means nothing, just a party.


What is Christmas for each religion?
Walter Chavez/Unsplash

Christmas for Evangelicals generates discussions. Protestants celebrate by reflecting on the presence of Christ on Earth, as well as evangelical members of the Assembly of God. These make plays, supper, but do not have nativity scenes.

Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate for the following reasons: the Bible does not say when Jesus was born, the apostles and the first disciples did not celebrate, because it was a pagan festival, because of the incorporation of folkloric items such as Santa Claus and mainly because of the transformation into a commercial date.


Muslims do not celebrate Christmas. The Muslim people revere the Prophet Mohamed who complemented the teachings of Jesus. The most important religious festivals are Eid El Fitr, after Ramadan (month of fasting) and Eid Al Adha, in commemoration of the Prophet Abraham's obedience to God.

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What is Christmas for each religion?
Mike Labrum/Unspash

Jews do not celebrate Christmas. On the 24th, Hanukah is celebrated, the festival of lights in Hebrew, the date on which the Jewish people won the fight against the Greeks for the right to exercise their belief. The party lasts 8 days and for each day a candle is lit. Potato pancakes and donuts with jam are served. There is no exchange of gifts, however children usually get money at midnight.


Christmas for Buddhism it is something spiritual, that is, Buddhists see Jesus as a “Bodhisattva”, an elevated being who loves humanity and makes sacrifices for it. The most important date is Visakha Bucha, commemoration of the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha. Generally, the festival takes place in May, on a full moon day according to the sixth lunar month.

Christmas according to Spiritism

What is Christmas for each religion?
Annie Spratt / Unsplash

Spiritism is not a religion, so there are no dogmas. Kardecist works do not mention the date and spiritists celebrate Christmas as they deem appropriate.

Love and togetherness are the true meanings of Christmas. These values ​​are closely linked to spirituality, do you want to know how to connect to it? Know more.

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