What is Buddhism?

One of the largest religions in the world is a trademark of eastern countries. After all, what is Buddhism?


Buddhism was founded in VI BC by Sidartha Gautama, a member of the local royalty who gave up his fortune to live with monks in search of enlightenment. When he finally found the path he wanted, Sidartha began to sow his wisdom to his disciples, always focusing on strong precepts.

The first teachings passed by Buddhism sought to alleviate human pain, reporting on the “four noble truths”.

1 – Life is dissatisfaction;
2 – The cause of dissatisfaction is desire;
3 – To get rid of dissatisfaction, it is also necessary to get rid of your desires;
4 – Pain can only be overcome with the help of the “eightfold path”: right understanding, right thinking, right action, right speech, right livelihood, right effort, right consciousness and right concentration.

What is Buddhism?


Buddhism is, by many, considered just a philosophy that can be followed married to other religions such as Christianity, Wiccanism or Spiritualism. Its definition, however, is also given as a religion.

His teachings are founded on the wisdom of Siddhartha Gautama, popularly known as the Buddha.

What is Buddhism?


The Buddhist schools are configured within two niches: Theravada, of older origin, and the Mahayana, which integrates a more varied Buddhism with aspects of Zen, Tibetan and others of the same category.

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Worship to a God

There is no theism within Buddhism. The Buddha himself was against the adoring treatment of his figure, defining himself as a guru and detaching his teachings from his individual.

What is Buddhism?


Among their points, Buddhists believe in a path to liberation, enlightenment and physical and spiritual upliftment guided by consciousness, attainable through practices such as yoga and meditation and completed within the reach of the so-called nirvana, the highest degree of consciousness.

In addition, Buddhism also believes in Samsara, which consists of reincarnation as a natural process for all living beings on the planet and that this stage must determine how we relate to them, being affectionate with plants or animals.

What is Buddhism?


Buddhism works based on the Three Gems, also known as Triple Gem, Three Refugios or Three Treasures. This symbology determines the foundation of Buddhist traditions, with Buddha, "The Enlightened One", the representative of the first jewel, the Dharma (fundamental and supreme law of the Universe) and the Sangha (group of Buddhist disciples).

It is in this context that Buddhists re-energize themselves, bringing discernment between situations, heightened awareness, acceptance of immutable elements and the willingness to change what must be adjusted.

The lotus flower is a strong symbol used by Buddhists. Its meaning is associated with the emergence of the Buddha and encompasses the spiritual purity he attained. In addition, it is said that wherever the Buddha passed, small lotus flowers began to grow.

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