What is an obsessive spirit and how to get rid of it?

If you watched the soap opera “A Viagem”, by Rede Globo, you certainly remember the scenes in which the spirit of young Alexandre, played by actor Guilherme Fontes, began to torment other characters. At that time, the scenes of Alexandre in the feuilleton popularized the spiritist term “obsessive spirit”.

Even those who did not follow a religion or did not have in-depth knowledge of spiritism, managed to get an idea about these conflicting disembodied souls. But how about delving a little deeper into the topic? In this article, we are going to talk about these spirits and how and why we attract them. But calm down! We also bring guidelines for you to keep them far away from your life!

What is an obsessive spirit?

obsessive spirit is a disembodied soul who is in charge of disturbing the life of a person with whom she had a relationship when she was alive. This importunity is favored by the harmony established between them. But we'll talk about that later.

What is an obsessive spirit and how to get rid of it?
AdinaVoicu / pixabay

Some of these spirits can be malicious and inconsequential, inclined to do evil, because they are driven by the feeling of revenge (as we will see later). Thus, they make use of the imbalance of their target (the obsessed person) and even those who are close to them.

This domain (obsession) can take many forms: from the simplest, such as interfering with our thoughts, to more elaborate acts, such as influencing our actions, leading us to commit acts against our own will.

According to the spiritist doctrine, an obsessive spirit is an inferior, imperfect soul, which makes us suffer as they suffer. It is still in a delayed state of evolution, still being “stuck” in the physical world. It's what many popularly call a “backrest” – although some experts say there are some distinctions.

Types of Obsessive Spirits

Every obsessing spirit is a soul in maladjustment and imbalance, causing harm and discomfort to its targets. However, not everyone has malicious intentions, they just don't have the moral maturity to deal with the disincarnation process.

There are seven types of obsessing spirits:

  • Household/resident obsessor: in life, he was extremely attached to his home. Even after disincarnating, he remains in place. He usually has no bad intentions, but he can do great harm to new residents.
  • Obsessor by attraction: is attracted by psychological or spiritual/energetic affinity with its target. The energies that serve as a bridge are various (addictions and compulsions, greed, hatred, envy, resentment, depression, etc.) and serve as food for these spirits.
  • Obsessor for love (sick): it is usually a newly disincarnated person who chooses to spend the entire day beside the loved one. It could have been an ex-partner or family member. As he has just disincarnated, he is almost always unaware of death. Nor is he a malicious soul.
  • Slave obsessor: he is the one who is subjugated to the whims of his incarnate “lord” and, confused by his death and afraid of suffering, ends up submitting himself, both for good and for bad. He therefore does not have a pattern of behavior and has great difficulty in freeing himself.
  • Autonomous observer: this is also a slave obsessor, but of his own desires. Attached to material and carnal life, he ends up staying on the physical plane, seeking to continue satisfying his worldly desires, usually attending environments with a lower vibrational pattern.
  • Obsessor sent: also called the soldier of evil, this spirit is responsible for suppressing the good. He is skillful, intelligent and cunning, most of the time, and he uses each person's weaknesses to create chaos.
  • vengeful obsessoro: is, at the same time, the least common and the worst case of all (we talk a little about this in the topics above). He is driven by hatred and revenge and lives in search of “collecting” all those who, in his view, have caused him pain, in this and in other lives. For this, it dispenses with limits and acts in a cruel and excessive way.

Why are we obsessed?

Above, we have already given a brief idea about what obsession is. According to Kardecist spiritism, this dominion is not only carried out by disembodied spirits, it can also occur from incarnate to incarnate, and from incarnate to disincarnate.

We are obsessed in many ways. One of them is the mediumship of some people, which can serve as a channel for this action, causing them to be persecuted by these souls and start to act in ways that are adverse to their nature. When there is no mediumship channeling this influence, the obsessing spirit is used in many other ways.

In this way, our energies they are also a kind of decoy to this evil spirit realm. We can attract these entities through what we think, say, and do. It's the tuning of bad vibes making the bridge to obsession.

What is an obsessive spirit and how to get rid of it?
fizkes / shutterstock

We are all subject to spiritual influences, both good and bad. In the case of obsessors, the motivation is often the desire for revenge: they believe that their victims have harmed them in this or other incarnations.

The moral inferiority of some is also an open door for them to harbor feelings such as envy, resentment and rancor within themselves. Thus, they see the prosperity of those who stayed on this plane as an affront. This results in the desire to destroy everything good that their victim has built, as they think they had the full right to conquer everything in life.

Then the vengeful desire sets in. The result of this action comes in the form of symptoms very common to many physical and emotional problems. That's what we'll talk about next.

Symptoms of Spiritual Obsessors

Spiritual obsession manifests itself in us in many ways, spanning body, mind, spirit, and even the environment. So be aware of your main symptoms.

Physical symptoms:

  • Generalized pain (especially headache) and malaise
  • Frequent intense yawning
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Recurring illnesses for no reason

Emotional symptoms:

  • Constant irritability and impatience
  • mood swing
  • Emotional frailty: stress, anxiety, anguish, unwarranted sadness
  • Negative thoughts
  • Excessive jealousy and mistrust
  • compulsive crying
  • Aggressiveness

In the case of physical and mental symptoms, it is always necessary to consult an appropriate health professional (doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist, as the case may be), to rule out any physical illness or psychological disorder.

Spiritual and behavioral symptoms:

  • Getting involved in gossip
  • To pass judgment on others
  • use of victimization
  • Seeing shapes and hearing strange sounds at home
  • Addictions and Compulsions
  • Bad luck or setbacks in life after the death of a loved one
  • Financial meltdown – whether through unemployment, a meager salary or unexpected debt and expenses
  • Strange vibrations such as foreboding, persecution mania, chills, etc.
  • Feeling that someone is calling you, especially during sleep.
  • Always waking up at the same time in the morning and losing sleep.
  • Having the same dream over and over (almost always nightmares)

These last three signs are typical of nocturnal obsessors, those who position themselves beside the bed of their obsessed, watching over their sleep and sucking their energy.

Environmental symptoms:

  • Bad odors coming out of nowhere
  • Electronic devices crashing
  • Light bulbs flickering frequently or burning out too fast
  • plants dying often

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or witnessing these changes in your home - and there is no concrete cause for all of this - it is very likely that there is a spiritual malignancy in your life. The good news is that it is possible to get around this situation and regain good energy. We will help you in this mission.

How to get rid of spiritual obsessors

How to get rid of spiritual obsessors? Well, first of all, you need to take care of the energies you emanate. Because when we are vibrating at lower frequencies, we attract bad things into our lives. Attitudes such as judging, complaining, being selfish and exhorting evil are a bridge to this unwanted encounter.

What is an obsessive spirit and how to get rid of it?
dimaberlinphotos / Canva

Here are some tips to avoid the bad energies of obsessing spirits and other evil entities:

  • Try to adopt a healthier lifestyleel, under all aspects – involving healthy eating (and a good mental and spiritual relationship with food).
  • Practice physical exercises and techniques such as meditation and breathing.
  • strengthen your faith, with the help of heavenly beings, as your guardian angel. Try to say a prayer to drive away the obsessing spirit.
  • Keep the home balanced, with the help of plants, amulets and protective crystals. Pets also uplift the energies of the home, thanks to their purity and selfless love. Not to mention they are wonderful company.
  • Bet on techniques like Feng Shui, as it helps to channel and direct the energies of the home and other environments.

spiritual intervention

We mentioned above some practices to avoid the influence of obsessing spirits, but these actions are not always enough, especially when the spiritual domain has already taken place. There are three distinct levels of obsession, in order of increasing intensity: simple obsession, fascination, and subjugation.

The simple one consists of an attempt to create obstacles to the obsessed person's life, who can perceive that there is something influencing him. In fascination, there is a spiritual action on the victim's thinking, which loses the power of decision, being controlled by another's force. Subjugation, on the other hand, implies the total loss of control on the part of the obsessed person, who ends up “giving in” the body to the abode of the spirit, which sucks all its strength.

Depending on the degree of obsession, it may be necessary to perform disobsession in a spiritist center, or in a spiritualized place - such as Umbanda or Candomblecist centers. It is therefore necessary to understand each level of domain in order to adopt the appropriate treatment.

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But, despite causing great misfortunes in the lives of their targets, obsessors are the most harmed by their actions, since this leaves them even further away from their evolution. And even if we need help from higher entities to get out of this situation of spiritual dominance, we need to feed our spirit with kindness. Living with dignity and doing good is already a good start to keep ourselves away from everything that can distort our nature and bring us closer to every being (incarnate or disincarnate) that wants to harm us.

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