What is an asexual person?

In the “world of relationships” there are different types of people: the most romantic, the most sexual, the most closed… and also the asexual. But do you know what an asexual person is? This subject is usually seen as a taboo, as society is completely focused on sexual relationships, so it tends to disbelieve that it is possible for a person to have such specific and distinct characteristics from everything that is considered “normal”.

Some think that asexuality is a disease, others that it is a behavior deviation that needs psychological treatment and still others simply do not pay attention to such a topic that is, yes, very present and very important in the lives of many people. Everyone deserves respect and, in order for there to be no misconception or judgment about asexuals, it is necessary to deeply understand what it means in a person's life. Pay attention to the article and understand once and for all what asexuality is, what are the characteristics of an asexual person and what it's like to be that way!

What is an asexual person?
Photo by Nina Stock on Pixabay

What is asexuality?

Simply put, asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to anyone – or minimal/no interest in sexual practices. The term “asexuality” can designate a sexual orientation as well as the lack of one.

Asexuality is totally different from renouncing sexual activities and celibacy, behaviors motivated by external factors, such as different beliefs that an individual has, whether social or religious.

It is believed that, unlike sexual behavior, sexual orientation is constant – that is, asexual people are just like that: they will not change, much less need hormone treatment or something like that! In some cases, however, asexual people adhere to sexual activities, even without any kind of desire for them, simply for personal factors, such as the dream of having children or the desire to feel or provide pleasure to someone.

This sexual orientation is represented by the plus “+” in the acronym LGBTI+.

What is an asexual person?
Photo by Pham Trung Kien no Pixabay

What is an asexual person?

An asexual person is one who is not sexually attracted to anyone, whether conditionally, partially or completely. There are many myths that permeate this sexual orientation. To really understand what an asexual person is, nothing better than meeting someone who identifies with this orientation.

In an interview given to Vice España, 31-year-old lawyer Walter Mastelaro Neto, who defines himself as an asexual individual, reveals that asexuality is a facet of someone's personality. He emphasizes that sex is not something interesting for him, however, he states that he feels horny, but for several other things, and not for the sex itself. He claims, for example, that he is horny for music and food.

Many people think that asexuals do not practice masturbation, but according to Walter, this act of self-pleasure is a desire and a biological consequence that has nothing to do with any other person or desire for a third party. He also states that asexuality has some main facets defined by the four colors of its flag: the color black, which represents the strict asexual, one who does not feel sexual attraction; the color white, which represents the asexual who feels sexual attraction to a greater or lesser degree; the gray color, which represents asexuals who are still discovering themselves, as they feel sexual attraction in different intensities, but in a conditional way; and the color purple, which simply symbolizes the union of everyone within that community.

What is an asexual person?
Photo by congerdesign on Pixabay

Here are some fun facts about asexuals

– An asexual person can fall in love! But there are also asexuals who don't have any kind of romantic interest.

– Some asexuals feel sexual attraction only from some condition: when there is some feeling involved or when there is some purpose, as already said.

– Not all asexuals do not have sex or are not emotionally attracted. Everything varies according to each person's personality, as there is an extensive spectrum within the concept of asexuality.

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- Asexuals date! Romantic asexuals are people who like company, affection, love and to nurture an affective bond; however, if a strict asexual enters into a relationship, it is very likely that no sexual act will be part of that relationship.

– Asexuality does not stem from trauma, illness or lack of hormones! Asexual people just don't feel like sex, and that's okay!

It is necessary to break stigmas and taboos about asexuality, as it is much more common than you might think. Many people around the world wonder what an asexual person is or why they are like that, but know that not everything needs an explanation. Yes, you need respect!

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