What is a reciprocal feeling?

The moment when a mother can hold the baby she has longed for in her arms. The first time a child invites another to play at home. The long friendship that is built between teenagers who have lived many experiences together. The affection that arises between two people who work in the same place and keep talking on the weekends. The frequency of the heartbeats of a couple in love. The memories older people share about the happy and victorious lives they had.

There are many experiences and relationships that arise from a reciprocal feeling. Reciprocity doesn't necessarily have to be romantic. In the case of a mother and child, the love that exists immediately after birth does not involve romance, but a relationship of complicity, love, affection and care. When we think of groups of friends or co-workers, reciprocity is also present without passion.

Perhaps it is easier to identify a reciprocal feeling than to define it. To simplify, we can imagine that reciprocity happens when two or more people have the same feelings for each other. It is a mutual correspondence between beings, in relationships that can be of love, friendship, family or work. But there is a form of reciprocity that differs from the others.

The reciprocal loving feeling is more difficult to identify. In a friendship, for example, it is easy to know if two people consider each other the same, since there is no fear or insecurity when talking about it. Or did you ever think it was too soon to say that you really enjoyed a friendship? On the other hand, when it comes to a love relationship, many questions arise that make it difficult to discover the existence of a reciprocal feeling. Next, see what they are!

What is a reciprocal feeling?
Image of Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke by Pixabay

Why don't we know when the feeling is reciprocal?

Love relationships are, most of the time, more complicated than others. People are not in the habit of stating their feelings all at once, which makes it more difficult to understand what they are thinking or feeling about someone.

Amazingly, the biggest obstacle to discovering whether a feeling is reciprocal is the fear that it isn't. A person is not sure if they are loved as much as they love someone else, so they prefer to hide their feelings so they don't get hurt if the other person doesn't feel the same way they do. Seems counterproductive, doesn't it?

Can you imagine how simpler it would be if people were honest about their feelings? The fear of being the one who "loves the most" in a relationship is responsible for suppressing even the most beautiful feelings like love. What if you're not telling someone you love them and they feel the same way?

Another issue that makes finding out about a reciprocal feeling difficult is insecurity. One person believes that he has nothing good to offer the other and that it would be impossible to like him. Or, he argues that it is better to maintain a relationship with feelings blindly so that the other person does not come across his vulnerability.

Not all feelings are reciprocal, especially loving ones. Despite this, the insecurity a person feels cannot drive all of their choices and all of their relationships. Reciprocal love is always possible; and if not, there will always be other opportunities for him. It's not because a person doesn't have the same feelings for you that you have for them, that no other person in the world can provide you with that.

What is a reciprocal feeling?
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How to find out if a feeling is reciprocal?

If the simplest way to find out if a feeling is reciprocal, dialoguing with the other person, is rarely put into practice, the best we can do is study about new ways to reveal another person's feelings. It won't be an easy process, but it can make you safer to say how you feel. Check out!

1) Compatibility

One of the points that allow us to perceive that a feeling is reciprocal is the compatibility between two people. Note that being compatible is not liking the same things and having the same ideas, but getting along with the other person, having honest conversations, trusting the other and having the same plans for the future. If you're falling for someone who's already made it clear that they don't want to be in a relationship, you may not be compatible. There is less chance that the feeling will be reciprocal.

2) passion

The reciprocal loving feeling will not necessarily happen when there is passion, but this is a factor that can indicate a deeper relationship between two people. Do you feel that the other person is delighted with what you do and say, demonstrates that they want to be by your side, invites you out and spends long periods talking to you? Maybe she's in love. To know if she feels for you exactly what you feel for her, just talking. But the signs of passion already give a little strength when talking about it, don't they?

3) Respect

Respect must permeate all relationships in which there is a reciprocal feeling, not just love relationships. However, in a romantic sense, respect should be there when the other person understands their choices, when they allow you to be you, and when they give you reason to trust them. There is no reciprocal loving feeling between two people who live disrespecting each other, who want to shape each other to their own desires and who don't talk about how they are feeling.

If you identify these three characteristics in your relationship, it's time to start a heartfelt conversation. Don't be afraid to show your vulnerability and talk about your feelings. While the other person may not feel the way you do, the opposite can also happen. The reciprocal loving feeling may be closer than you think.

What is a reciprocal feeling?
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Is there a bad reciprocal feeling?

Talking about good relationships is light, exciting and happy. All people feel good when they talk about who they love, or when they live in relationships that bring peace and joy to their days. But can a reciprocal feeling be bad? Or does he always build positive bonds?

Have you ever felt that a person didn't like you and automatically started to dislike them? It is a very common situation and, in some cases, unavoidable. Not all people think the same way about life, and many cannot understand each other, which leads to misunderstandings and disaffection between them. It's part of life.

When we say “reciprocal feeling”, then, we are not only talking about good feelings, but also about bad feelings. Call it what you want: rancid, goat, laziness. These small (or big) annoyances we feel for someone can also be reciprocal, but sometimes they are misinterpreted.

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How many times has a person told you they thought you didn't like them, and you didn't really feel that way? Like reciprocal good feelings, reciprocal bad feelings can only be understood if we talk to the other person. Unless you have strong reasons to believe that she doesn't like you and, consequently, you don't like her. If so, the feeling is mutual.

Whether good or bad, the most important thing about reciprocal feeling is that it creates a relationship between two people, whether it's love or hate. Sharing a feeling with someone creates a new universe, which only you can access, because you understand each other without having to explain yourself.

If you are lucky enough to have a reciprocal feeling of love or friendship, strengthen your bonds with these people and keep them close at all times. If you have a less sympathetic reciprocal feeling, continue to respect the other person and stay away from them, as much as possible, so you don't go through unpleasant situations.

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