What is a 'real body'?

Think about the beauty product advertisements you saw during your childhood. Probably the people who appeared were white, thin and with physical features similar to the European standard of beauty. Now think about the advertisements you currently see. The bodies we see are much more diverse, aren't they?

Based on this difference in media representation, the term “real bodies” was developed. However, a large part of society still does not understand what this expression means and why it has been so debated today. Even, sometimes, she can have a sense

Beauty standards are unattainable

Have you ever heard that a body is “unreachable” or “unreal”? It is common to say this when we think about the beauty standards that exist in society. They always praise white people, thin and with delicate features on their faces. Wrinkles, expression marks, stretch marks, cellulite, spots, blemishes and countless characteristics that are normal in a person are not accepted.

That is, even if someone tries hard to fit the standards of beauty, at some point this person will need to make more changes, to overcome the action of time on them. In addition, when an individual undergoes many plastic surgeries, for example, he is criticized for not having a naturally beautiful body.

What is a 'real body'?
bialasiewicz / 123RF

In this way, it is impossible to adapt to the beauty standards imposed by society. Unfortunately, this difficulty causes many people to not feel beautiful, eventually developing lasting self-esteem and confidence problems.

In an attempt to overcome negative feelings, an individual may use many editing strategies on the photos themselves, to appear the perfection that is so desired by society. As a consequence of this, an unreal body emerges, which exists only on the internet or in a photograph that has been modified.

When coming into contact with edited images, many people can be deceived and frustrated about the type of body they can have. That's why it's so important to feature references to real bodies, both on social media and in the media. In the next topic, find out how they are!

Beauty standards are unattainable

A real body is the body that a person has in real life. It's a body that hasn't gone through image edits and that doesn't have the sole objective of fitting into beauty standards. Because of this, many interpret the real body as a synonym for a fat body, but this thinking is incorrect.

Real bodies do not have limitations or specific definitions of what they should look like. Therefore, a thin body is as real as a fat body, as long as they are what a person really is. If a fat person posts a photo with stretch marks and cellulite erased, for example, the body they show is not real.

On the other hand, in the case of a person who has had a series of plastic surgeries, is their body real? Yea! This answer may seem a little controversial, but a body modified by surgery still exists in reality, doesn't it? Otherwise, no trans person who underwent such a procedure would have a real body, for example.

What is a 'real body'?
ShotPot / Pexels

It is essential to be careful when talking about real bodies, precisely because we can end up making certain ways of existing invisible, or belittling someone's beauty. It's not polite to say that a person has a real body, for example, because that might sound negative to their ears. The rule is: don't make comments about someone else's body, of any kind.

In short, a person's body is what guarantees that he or she is in the world and is only unreal when it is nothing more than a filtered image. So bodies with or without plastic, fat or thin can be real!

Beauty standards are unattainable

Once you understand that a real body is one that exists in reality, free of image edits, you can check out some content about them for inspiration. That way, you'll find that you don't have to be ashamed of not being up to standard. What matters is that bodies like yours also exist!

1) Perfil to Instagram @normalizecorposreais

In this profile, in addition to viewing images of real bodies, which have not been digitally modified, you will learn more about empowerment, feminism and women's rights. As they are the most affected by beauty standards, they are the focus of @normalizecorposreais.

2) Perfil to Instagram @movimentocorpolivre

The Free Body Movement, founded by activist Alexandra Gurgel (@alexandrismos), aims to encourage people to free themselves from the search for beauty standards. On the @movimentocorpolivre profile, you will find stories of self-love and appreciation of the body as it really is.

3) Movie “Little Miss Sunshine” – 2006

“Little Miss Sunshine” is a 2006 film that will help you reflect on the dictatorship of beauty and how it can manifest itself from childhood. Varying between drama and comedy, you will think lightly about the acceptance of your own body, through the story of Olive, a young woman who wants to be a miss.

4) Movie “Precious – A Story of Hope” – 2009

In “Preciosa – uma História de Esperança”, the focus is not the acceptance of one's own body. However, this theme is present in the plot, which has as its protagonist a black and fat woman trying to face numerous forms of oppression. Drama is important to see that there are still positive ways to live life, despite everything.

5) Book “The Beauty Myth” – Naomi Wolf

The book “The Myth of Beauty”, by Naomi Wolf, is ideal for those who want to delve deeper into the construction of beauty standards. Reading is interesting and brings transformative reflections, which will renew your way of thinking about your beauty and about society's expectations about it.

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With the content we present here, you have an extra incentive to love your body just the way it is. Beauty is in the difference between people and in what each individual has that is special. So look at yourself with a new look, valuing your real body, which gives you great experiences every day. Be more you!

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