What if life opened a window...

They say that when life closes a door it opens a window. Well I don't know if this is true or just a popular saying. But one thing I do know...

When things get complicated in our lives, it seems like all doors are closing in front of us.

You know that feeling of running as hard as your body can and seeing the door closing in front of you, wanting to get there on time, but your whole body has already given signs that time won't be enough, and even at your maximum speed, you know that won't make it in time… the door keeps closing at a speed you can't beat.

There… the door closed right in front of you! Ended! There's no way to get in!

What if life opened a window...
Photo: Noah Silliman/Unsplash

Your hope is now locked inside. You failed! You ran, expended energy, put your body to the limit and… all for nothing… Everything you wanted most is inside and you won't have access, no matter what you do, the race is over and you lost.

I know, it's a very tough picture, but how many times has this happened to you?

It already happened to me. I had this experience, and I confess, it wasn't just once. And I've also assisted some people in similar situations, such as Graciane, who was feeling defeated when I met her.

After a long conversation I can see the sparkle in her eyes again. And it was with Graciane that I discovered that there is always, invariably, something we can do to change the situation.

I like to write, because when I write I activate my memory and I can remember many important lessons that life brings me, and that, when I am not writing, I rarely notice them.

But I enjoy even more helping people who are in the process of awakening and are looking for guidance and support to find a way out of their lives. Whenever I help someone overcome their challenges, I learn a lot of new things, and in an intriguing way, it's like opening windows in those moments where I can see what's inside that other people can't see.

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Somehow I can feel the essence of people, it's like I can "see" the light that is fading inside them, but it's still on.

There are two areas of life that attract me with the same fascination. Spiritual life and professional life. But it was in this last year that I learned a valuable lesson that went against everything I knew until then. Spiritual awakening rarely starts in the area of ​​spirituality. In fact, people are waking up and starting to expand their consciousness in the area I call “work life”.

How do I know this?

All the people I've seen in the last few years, without exception, have come to see me because they were exhausted in front of a “newly closed door” right in front of their exhausted bodies. And all worn out in the professional area.

All these people that I've had the opportunity to listen to and help since I became a coach, all were looking for the same thing: the courage to be who they really are in essence.

To manifest your PURE AND TRUE ESSENCE, you must learn to stand firmly in life.

And when you learn to position yourself in life, the next inevitable step is the discovery of your great purpose. This is what will motivate you to get out of bed every day and work long hours.

What if life opened a window...
Photo: Jad Limcaco/Unsplash

Fulfillment and purpose are areas of our wheel of life and are within the great area that is responsible for our professional life, because it is in work that people have the opportunity to fulfill themselves and live for their great purpose. But two other areas are also part of professional life that need to be properly INTEGRATED to the purpose, so that the person can freely manifest their essence and live fully. These two areas are: the financial resources area and the social contribution area. They need to be properly INTEGRATED into the area of ​​fulfillment and purpose for the wheel of life to turn smoothly.

I discovered a “window of opportunity” that right now is open for you who want to INTEGRATE all areas of your professional life and unleash your essence… because you know you were born to shine.

If you're like me, you're going to want to take advantage of this window of opportunity now, while it's still open.

Visit my website she is there, waiting for you! But don't delay, because this window of opportunity can close at any time.

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