What if I know myself?

    Self-knowledge is the key to success. Remember: “If you know the enemy and you know yourself, you need not fear the outcome of a hundred battles. If you know yourself, but you don't know the enemy, for every victory you gain, you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will lose every battle.” (Sun Tzu)

    Each time you understand yourself better, adapt better, you will have greater chances and consequently better opportunities. An understanding is not quite a clear certainty, perhaps, but it is a framework to learn from your pleasures, tastes and whims.

     It is not enough to believe in doing things differently and still have a fixed idea of ​​advantage. Capturing the answers is a good tip. Attending the heart for the essence of living is not just a practice of life, it is a teaching. Strengthen the possibility of learning, every lesson can be seen in an everyday situation, why not put it into practice?

    What if I know myself?

    Love yourself. Strengthen the ego, self-esteem, give it due value. Psychology teaches beyond the idea of ​​pleasure to a reward. Don't limit yourself to a small result, as in the financial market that values ​​healthy profits, taking less risks and achieving greater returns, the same applies to life: doing simple actions that exceed expectations. Like the payment of dividends, so in the stock market, appreciate the value and continue to focus on its realization.

    Don't be afraid of novelty. The new can be inexperienced, a cycle that can fail, it doesn't matter. Experience is more important for achieving ultimate satisfaction. Expect feedback, of course, but give the simple, polished idea a chance. Test your imagination, change your routine. The process to happiness depends only on you. Several characteristics suggest that personality determines your mood. And humor is part of getting to know yourself. So start getting to know each other.

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