What happens when you lose your mind to a Perverse Narcissist?

    One of the biggest advantages perverse narcissists can have over the people around them is when they can make them lose their minds.

    The unmeasured reactions of victims involved in the webs of such abusers usually occur in the last moments when they find themselves in greater despair because of not being seen or heard and, also, by the coercive cornering they go through with the intention of making them accept in a way blind, situations of the most incoherent and bizarre disrespect.

    The worst moment, however, occurs when, in addition to all this, these characters in this macabre scenario, insist on denying, distorting all the perceptions that the victims may have, accusing them in various ways for the misfortunes they would be causing.

    Obviously, such misfortunes are nothing more than manipulative inventions created in order to invalidate any form of existence other than their own. They alone and they alone can shine, and as long as they are dominant in their reigns, this will be the sovereign law.

    As a response, when they are still involved, in order not to get too depressed and in the name of not feeling that they are going crazy, victims often react very intensely, reaching, out of desperation, to fight. They therefore, when they still have the strength, for these drastic measures of action, which unfortunately, in the end, only testify even more against the legitimacy of their own perceptions, because to the delight of such abusers, these attitudes end up being denounced by themselves. as a form of madness and decompensation, they will not waste a second to use these episodes in order to defame them in the worst sense. In these cases, more than in any other, uncontrolled attitudes work as excellent tools for perverse narcissists to divert attention from something real and legitimate in which victims are exhaustively trying to defend and explain themselves. In most situations, they remain irreducible, imposing their incessant criticism about how much one is not good enough for them, how much he has not been or is being praised as he supposedly thinks he deserves, and also in situations in which he is not blind welcoming their grandiose lies and unmeasured desires and, to finish, they still disqualify everything that it can mean to be someone else beside them.

    In the perverse narcissist's imposing theory, nothing is more logical that the people involved with them have to go over themselves in the name of meeting them in their infinite demands for magnanimity, after all, this psychological type is absolutely certain that it is the be the most special in the universe and anyone who enters this tale will be part of a single show, his.

    What happens when you lose your mind to a Perverse Narcissist?

    The manipulations, most of the time, come in such an elaborate degree of sophistication that the victims themselves, after the confusion caused, even when initially outraged, are still successfully brainwashed, because the abusers have the prowess of being able to do it. with them losing their sense of reality, to the point that together with them, they change the focus of the reason that drove them crazy, insanely blaming themselves for the actions of despair. Momentarily, these victims had survival reactions that resulted in emotional outbursts and because of that, they end up being like the crazy ones in the story.

    The subject is so serious, so delicate and so subtle that it is very worthwhile to be exemplified so that it is clear to all involved, as well as so that unsuspecting people know what is out there and that is much closer to everyone than one can suspect.

    The most dramatic thing is when even emotional lack of control no longer happens as a survival and self-defense mechanism, on these occasions, many of the victims even come to believe that they are responsible for the accusations suffered. They are already in such an altered state of perception that they have no idea of โ€‹โ€‹anything but blindly accepting the dictatorships and beliefs imposed by the abusers. An extremely dangerous moment, because it is when the human being gives up on himself.

    Most victims need a lot of therapeutic help so that they can tell the difference between the wheat and the chaff. As the topic of perverse narcissism and emotional abuse has been widespread lately, as incredible as it may seem, it is becoming more and more frequent to receive in my office people who are accused of being the abusers and who, in fact, are the ones who are being abused for years, but who still do not have the capacity to discern what is actually happening in their lives. These are literally living with danger and don't know it. They arrive at the office depressed, exhausted and wanting to be better for their partners, unfortunately something they will hardly be able to achieve in this type of sick dynamic. Abusers need emotionally insane people by their side so they can tell themselves how good and cool and important they are, a totally unconscious and crazed attempt that seeks to mask this false and empty bottom that they all have inside them. They frantically need to have an identity and think that by denying the other and selfishly taking everything for themselves they will be somebody. Read mistake.

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