What does your eye color say about you?

Colors have power over emotions, plants and all of God's creation. Eye color reveals one of our spiritual missions, it influences people, environments and relationships.

Discovering one of the spiritual missions through eye color was something very special for me. One day I was listening to Cristina Cairo's YouTube show, I was already a student of hers at the time, and I took the course just for self-knowledge, because I didn't think I was capable of being a therapist, since my profession was completely different: trader. Today I understand that being in the commerce sector brought me a little bit of the experience of being in contact with people, and I use this experience in a certain way in my calls, because I understood that each person has their needs and that no one is the same.

What does your eye color say about you?
Photo by Min An from Pexels

When I discovered through this program that one of the missions of a person with a black eye could be a therapist, I was very happy. I imagined myself transmitting the content of body language and other self-knowledge techniques that I study today to people and with that being able to help them. It was an incredible feeling of gratitude mixed with desire and joy; a mix of very good feelings. That day was the first day of motivation for me to do what I love today: serve people, study and be able to share. I hope the following content is as important to you as it was to me.

It is important to always use the eye color that God has given us in a positive way, using it for good or evil, the choice is individual, and it can be unconscious or conscious. Maybe you have some negative behavior and didn't even realize it, because it's on an unconscious level. Read below the positive and negative meaning of eye colors taken from the book Language of the Body, volume 3, by the author and my teacher Cristina Cairo.

Meaning of Violet Eyes

What does your eye color say about you?
Photo by Erik Mclean on Pexels

Positive: the gift of violet eyes is directly related to the power of the violet ray: the power of cellular, spiritual and alchemy transmutation. When looking into people's eyes, these transmit vitality, pranic energy and rehabilitate parts of the body and organism that were lacking vitality or aged. They emanate balance to the pineal and pituitary glands, healing all psychic pathologies and imbalances of emotions and personality. People with violet eyes have an arduous and rewarding task on earth: visiting terminally ill children, debilitated elderly people, touching patients who have been given up by doctors and rehabilitating the physiological, psychic and spiritual functions of all of them, in addition to healing plants and calming the fury. from nature. It is more than a miracle, it is the readjustment of the forces of the earth and the bodies of all living systems. It is a grandiose mission that requires personal, professional and even material goods, if necessary, to have the freedom to walk around the world. They are praised beings, possessing natural cosmic enlightenment from birth. When the bearer of these eyes does not know his true journey or runs away from it, life will be cruel to him, as he will vibrate in the negative frequency of this color. But when you assume your role, then your body and your life are also constantly revitalized and rejuvenated by the force that comes back to you when emanating to others. This force is only activated through the heart in tune with the pineal gland.

Negative: purple, or violet, when vibrating at the negative frequency, transforms the human psyche. People with violet eyes, who are not spiritualized and who do not practice direct charity, suffer from depression, psychological disorders, are attracted to drugs and excessive sex. They never settle down in life and can't stand to be invaded in their rest. They freak out and run away in anguish as if they were being chased by someone who wants to hurt them. They are obsessed when sleeping or when they are alone and have constant mental breakdowns and nervousness that take away their inner peace and that of those who live with them. This does not mean that they are victims of eye color, but beings that hesitate for centuries to accept divine forces, but the time has come to work together with the Universe for the good of humanity. In fact, they were chosen, but they forgot who they were. Some men and women, when born with these eyes, are harassed by family friends, schoolmates, co-workers, and the industry of photographic and cinematographic models; if they accept proposals for film or television, they will have the illusion that they are growing in life, but the end will be tragic or lonely. These eyes should never be used without their true purpose, as they will vibrate at the negative frequency and destroy the very person who has them.

Gray eyes meaning

What does your eye color say about you?
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Positive: gray is the color of reflection and stillness. Gray-eyed, spiritual people, when looking into someone's eyes, emanate a vibration of self-reflection, that is, they make those who are restless, anxious or disturbed and indecisive automatically stop and reflect on their own behavior. Gray eyes bring people energy of meekness and wisdom, slow down the hurried and agitated and put them in a thoughtful and reflective state to redirect their decisions and attitudes. They are very old souls on earth who unconsciously work to soften creatures to connect with God and their intuition.

Negative: gray-eyed people, who are not dedicated to charity or religion, or spirituality, when looking into someone's eyes transmit a vibration of discouragement, sadness and depression. They cause people a feeling of defeat, emptiness, old age and unease, as if their dreams were no longer worth fulfilling due to sadness and boredom. So if you feel bad after looking into someone's gray eyes, relax and look at some joyful color around you, until your joy returns to your heart and thoughts, and pray for them, for that person feels it too. this discouragement for not knowing that it is God's instrument to help humanity calm down and reflect.

Meaning of Honey Colored Eyes

What does your eye color say about you?
Photo by Pressmaster not CanvaPro

Positive: People with honey eyes like to welcome the needy and suffering. When noticing someone sad, they approach gently, look with kind child's eyes and offer their shoulder. People feel warm and tender and begin to feel better. The eyes of spiritual people, who practice meditation or prayers every day, emanate a mother's love even if it is a man's gaze. They are endowed with noble feelings and philanthropic intentions. They are always involved in voluntary groups to help others or carry out the mission of helping alone, without expecting anything from anyone. They are very important assistance collaborators, as they have humility, service to others and a lot of love. By looking into people's eyes, positive vibes are emanating to your liver without knowing it.

Negative: honey-colored eyes, when they vibrate in the negative, that is, they are not dedicated to anything spiritual, religious or mystical, they are devoid of unconditional love. They are cold and distant people who don't try to help anyone, even if it's right under their nose. They say it has nothing to do with it and that it does not concern them. When they need help or are suffering for some reason, they play nice and, when they feel full, they return to the coldness and disdain of others. They are affectionate out of interest. They produce anger in those close to them.

Black eyes meaning

What does your eye color say about you?
Foto de Hemera Technologies from Photo Images

Positive: looking into a person's eyes, they pull out evil like a miracle. They are eyes that frighten and cause convulsions of crying due to the purification they promote in the soul. They are special beings who need to always be spiritualizing and denying worldly temptations so as not to harm anyone. The spiritualized black eyes act with the Christic force and dissolve from the heart and thoughts all the negative and karmic energies of those who look at them. From the language of the body, Jesus had black eyes and not light eyes as they draw him due to racial prejudice. If Jesus had green eyes or blue eyes and even brown eyes, he would not have had the spiritual strength and courage to do what he did.

Imagine a psychologist or therapist with black eyes? The problems would be solved in a few sessions. But remember that eye color only manifests good and healing if it is from evolved people who understand the force of the Universe and love.

Negative: Unlike the eyes of good, the black eyes that pulsate in the negative, that is, that do not seek to spiritualize or love and forgive, do not emanate good things. By looking into someone's eyes, they destroy their happiness and strip their spirit of the will to live. Black eyes kill on purpose. They are beings that carry in their aura the stains of darkness and the voice of the destroyer. In Greek mythology, he is known as Hades, the god of darkness and the depths. When you notice negative black eyes looking into your eyes, lower yours so you don't get hit by low spirits. It is not difficult to know when a person is good or when he is bad. The good one doesn't look at you and respects you with a look of tenderness and the bad one is ironic, doesn't blink and looks straight into your eyes with an invader look. Pray and walk away. Remember that all creatures on Earth are children of God, so don't judge lest you be judged and believe that God is everywhere at the same time and knows what He does.

Brown eyes meaning

What does your eye color say about you?
Photo by Getty Images Pro no Canva Pro

Positive: when arriving in a troubled environment or approaching a quarrelsome, critical and disorderly person, leadership and justice emanate, putting each one in their proper place, with firmness and respect. People with brown eyes of any shade who are spiritualized and seek to love and forgive, always emanate an atmosphere of strength and courage, producing in people the need to obey and respect them. His eyes are dignified, fair, strong and true, putting order in the family, in the company, in the games and in any institution or country. He has a good sense of humor and knows how to “break the ice”, telling anecdotes or sudden jokes to calm people or a population. They ward off psychic and spiritual evil due to the energy of courage, faith and justice.

Negative: when arriving in a troubled environment, they rush to “take sides” with someone and put more “wood on the fire”, causing more disorder and irritation in people. They are “barraqueiros” and use their strength and power to physically and verbally attack. When they occupy any position of power or leadership, they become unjust and dishonest. They are impatient, intolerant and do not put up with disobedience from subordinates, punishing them or humiliating them in front of other people. They generate hurt and anger in the hearts of those around them. They don't know how to play and they interpret certain games they play with them negatively. For some brown eyes without light, it is necessary to explain that it was a joke, as they have no humor and are usually leaders of gangs, confrontations, revolutions and wars. They open portals for obsessors due to their heavy and hard heart.

Blue eyes meaning

What does your eye color say about you?
Nejron's photo on CanvaPro

Positive: by looking into people's eyes, it eliminates infections, inflammations; calm down; it is antibacterial, removing bacteria from the body and the environment; it is analgesic, promotes a feeling of protection and spiritual reception; it lifts the soul, thoughts and feelings to God; eliminates depression, anxiety, mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolarity, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), epileptic seizures, personality disorder, nervousness, insomnia, indecision and increases intuition, self-esteem, faith and renews hopes. You who have blue eyes also emanate love to people who have negative blue eyes, because they need light and not criticism. We find many therapists with blue eyes, but who have not yet developed unconditional love, so they are dry and tough in dealing with people, even though they have a lot of knowledge.

Negative: as explained, eye color only works for good when the soul is cut. Otherwise, when looking into people's eyes, you will emanate unpleasant and harmful sensations and energies, such as coldness, contempt, and everyone will feel loneliness, bitterness, sadness, low self-esteem, pain, upset, anguish, fear, paranoia, in addition to of the negative blue-eyed person looking at others up and down, if they look. He doesn't feel any desire to help humanity because he is a cold and unloving person. Just love what suits you. She always has negative feedback in life, because she doesn't know that she is despising the gift that God has entrusted to her. Many blue-eyed people are nervous and complain about the kind of life they lead or are stupid when talking, even though they are spiritual and claim to care for humanity. These people are in the process of self-transformation and have not yet found the inner peace that leads them to accept the life they have with resignation and joy. When they are nervous, they speak ill of people's behavior, complain and criticize, "kick back" when they feel limited, anxious and discontented, cry when they feel misunderstood. So we can say that these people vibrate on the negative side of the force.

Chameleon Eyes Meaning — change color

What does your eye color say about you?
Scopio's photo on CanvaPro

Positive: Chameleon-eyed people have the ability to adapt to any situation and any type of person and belief. They influence by persuasion and redirect everyone who may be psychologically and spiritually lost. Chameleon eyes change color depending on your emotional state or your intention. Colors change from light green to dark brown, and sometimes a blue halo appears around the retina. When the eyes are dark, it means they are leading, fighting or closing to replenish psychic and bodily energy; when they are light brown or honey they are with the intention of welcoming some sufferer; when they are green it means they are at peace and working for the healing of humanity with joy or feeling pleasure and joy for life or for something good that is happening. People with chameleon eyes are always positively manipulating and mediating some conflict or disagreement of people or groups, leading them to understanding and forgiveness. They manage to make themselves understood by the poor, by the rich, by the most humble and uninformed, even by the most cultured and intellectualized. They adapt to the environment, clothes, knowledge and religions and sects, always speaking everyone's language, that is, they speak with people's souls. The chameleon has the mission of infiltrating places shielded by cultures and prejudices and influencing without people realizing that they are being led to eliminate their sufferings, rigid dogmas, prejudices and unconscious fears.

Negative: people with chameleon eyes, without spirituality and without self-knowledge of their true task on Earth, feel that they can do anything and manipulate people to achieve their personal and selfish goals. They mold themselves to any situation to acquire information and secrets from others to lead them to people of interest. They are spies and false friends, as they easily get involved in any environment or group just to steal knowledge, information and tactics for themselves. They have the power of persuasion for their own interests and to generate conflicts and wars. They are professional manipulators and manage to reverse situations to defend themselves and become innocent. People believe his words and feel compassion for the helpless “theatrical” look and behavior, remembering the look of the Puss in Boots, when they want to conquer or invade. Their thoughts are always those of achieving something or someone and they know they can, but they are unaware of the Laws of the Universe, for which they will receive in return everything they have done in life. Their sufferings will be inevitable, but they will always try to manipulate, lie and run away to seek happiness. They need to love and forgive their parents or educators so that this power becomes positive and begins to compensate and help humanity understand the Law of Love.

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Green eyes meaning

What does your eye color say about you?
Photo de Wierink Imaging no CanvaPro

Positive: when looking into people's eyes, it emanates balance of emotions, calm, tenderness, healing of diseases, healing, clotting, unconditional love, desire to laugh, animate the spirit to renew life, balance the libido, cleanse the sadness of the heart, raise self-esteem and self-love, animate the inner child bringing joy to the environment, calm nervous and hyperactive children, clear thoughts promoting tranquility to make decisions and emanate the feeling of physical acceptance.

Negative: when looking into people's eyes, they emanate selfishness, sexual seduction and indifference. Green-eyed people who have not become spiritual are manipulative, self-serving and use their eyes to seduce and control. They consider themselves better than others and always want to be right. They think only of their personal pleasures, because they are vain and disconnected from human pain.

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