What does your attachment to things hide? Discover the technique of Marie Kondo

What does your attachment to things hide? Discover the technique of Marie Kondo

Before starting to read this text, I propose a brief dynamic. Look around you. Yes, that's right, look around you carefully.

What do you see? Where are you? Is there a lot out of place out there? How many things can you see that you probably haven't used in a long time? How many others do you not even remember existed? Do you feel like you're in a harmonious environment or do you feel like there's a lot getting in your way?

After answering all that, a second round of questions. And how is your life? Do you feel fulfilled and happy? Or do you feel that something is not flowing as it should? Have you ever had the feeling that your life is stuck and you have no idea why?

Okay, now I stop asking questions. I just needed you to think about your condition before saying anything. I need a little identification before you read the rest of the text. Otherwise, it might not have the desired effect. Better not take risks in not making a difference.

If you've read this far carefully, you're probably wondering what the relationship between the questions in the first paragraph and those in the second is. I answer you in one word: all! The answers to all these questions are totally linked, but we hardly realize it. The proposal to make this relationship is the central theme of the book “A Mágica da Arrumação – The Japanese Art of Putting Order in Your Home and Your Life” (Ed. Saraiva, 160 pages, 2016), by the Japanese author Marie Kondo.

In the book, the author proves to us that the physical arrangement of our home, our work space and any other place we inhabit, is intimately and directly linked to the way our lives unfold. When we put our physical things in order, we automatically make room for a series of new attitudes, actions and changes in thinking.

When packing and organizing our things, we come across a series of seemingly useless items, but loaded with sentimental importance. We accumulate things that are useless simply because we are afraid of letting go. Throwing something away, donating it to someone who actually uses it or selling something that we no longer use can be more difficult than it seems, because deep down we are not prepared to let go of this emotional bond.

By Marie Kondo's technique, you must take every item you have and
to question: “Does this bring me joy?”. If the answer is negative or inconclusive, do not hesitate to get rid of the object. If the answer is yes, keep it. There is a greater reason why it remains in your possession, besides its usefulness.

The technique is simple and effective, so much so that Marie has become one of the most influential people in the world, according to Time magazine, and her book is a world bestseller.

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Keep in mind that life is a cycle of people, things, feelings, sensations and actions. Detachment is healthy and necessary so that the wheel keeps turning and we don't come across a stuck life. Now, the reasons you already know, the output too. Get up from that chair and start reorganizing your physical, mental and spiritual life. The effect is liberating!

Written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team.

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