What do successful people do in the first hour of their day?

Most of the successful figures around the world tend to set aside the beginning of their days for some important tasks that help them in productivity, organization and efficiency.

Have you ever stopped to think about the routine of successful people known for their great professional performance? Have you ever wondered if any of them maintain strategic habits to make the day more productive and efficient?

If you've never thought about it or don't believe in the importance of a few small morning habits, you'd better start paying more attention to the recipe for success from personalities like Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist, David Karp, CEO of Tumblr, and Tony Robbins, motivational writer. North American.

According to them, the first hour after we wake up is extremely important to guide the rest of the day. That's why it can make so much difference to help you achieve professional success. So pay close attention to the first – and very important – everyday items that are on the list of some of the most successful figures around the world.

What do successful people do in the first hour of their day?
Don't read your emails first thing in the day

David Karp, founder of the social network Tumblr, says he makes an effort not to check messages in his inbox early in the day. According to the entrepreneur, reading emails while still at home is never comfortable or productive. It also states that if something important happens, someone will call or send you a private message to alert you.

Most of us can't decide what time we go in or out of the office, but most jobs don't require 24-hour attention and dedication. This means that we can put aside anxiety as soon as we wake up and wait to solve problems only within the company. Not to mention that you can use technology to your advantage and select which messages or most important senders may have something more urgent to resolve. Finally, it's worth remembering that it's very good to get your co-workers used to not expecting instant answers when you're not at work.

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Be aware of your actions and be grateful to others

Have you heard of Tony Robbins, American self-help guru and motivational writer? He is known for training and helping many personalities around the world, such as Princess Diana and former US President Bill Clinton. In addition to authoring books such as "Awaken Your Inner Giant", "Message from a Friend", and "Unlimited Power - The Path to Personal Success", Tony Robbins is an expert in personal and professional development.

He is responsible for one of the most important tips on how to create awareness of your actions and to give thanks, every day, for what you have already achieved. According to Robbins, the most successful people start their days with what he calls the “Power Hour”, “30 minutes to thrive”, or at least “15 minutes of satisfaction”.

This technique consists of setting aside at least 15 minutes each morning to think about yourself. Do activities like light exercise, motivational meditation, and most importantly, take a few minutes for thanks. In this period, it is worth thinking about everything that makes you grateful: your life and health, your family and friends, your career, etc. In the end, take the opportunity to meditate and visualize that you have already achieved everything you want.

On his official website, Tony Robbins provides a special audio in English about the “Hour of Power”. Also in English, blogger Mike McGrath wrote a very accurate summary on the topic and on his personal experience of holding the “Hour of Power” for the first time. To learn more, you can also read the full text!.

Do the most complicated tasks first

The classic time management book “Swallow Toads!” (“Eat That Frog!”), by Brian Tracy, teaches that it is much more advantageous to do the activities that you consider worst or most complicated before all others. This technique allows you to quickly get rid of the most uncomfortable tasks and, thus, can carry out the most pleasant tasks throughout the day, without having to worry about them.

Think if you are doing what you really want

Not feeling professionally fulfilled is something you shouldn't take months or even years to figure out. At the 2005 graduation of undergraduates from Stanford College, in the United States, Steve Jobs said that, at age 17, a phrase changed his life: "If you live each day as if it were your last, one day you will be right." .

The Apple co-founder also said that, after that, he started to ask himself every day about what he would like to do on the last day of his life. He knew that until he was completely fulfilled, doing what makes him happy, something had to change.

So find out what really works for you. Find out what activities you want to do until the end of your life and know that professional success is directly linked to your happiness. When you are committed and satisfied with what you do, your chances of success will greatly increase.

What do successful people do in the first hour of their day?
Connect with people

Craig Newmark, CEO of Craigslist, doesn't think twice about saying that the best thing to do in the early hours of the day is to keep in touch with customers. He wouldn't have to read and respond to each company's complaint personally, but he says there's no better way to stay aware of the company's reality and the needs of its audience.

If being the founder or owner of a business isn't your thing, you can still use Newmark's example and keep in touch with the people around you. Take advantage of the beginning of the workday to ask questions to those who have more experience than you or even to ask questions and exchange ideas about projects you have developed. Use this time to interact with those who can add something positive to your career. Take the opportunity to do this before other daily tasks pile up on the table.

Text written by LaĂ­s Mori from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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