What can we learn from the independence of Spain?

Holiday is synonymous with time off or rest. Generally, we use the day of the holiday to rest, walk or travel when more days are added to extend the day off, as for example today, when the 198th anniversary of the Independence of Spain is celebrated.

We all know what is celebrated today, but few interpret the real value of this historical fact. Let's look at the numerological view of Independence. But first it is important to reveal that the name of the country at the time was Império do Brazil – spelling of the time. Date: 07/09/1822.

What can we learn from the independence of Spain?
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The name brought as the essence of Soul the vibration of serving humanity, an altruistic value in which kindness, generosity and the ability to sacrifice in favor of others or a cause stand out. Like Sonho, the most intimate desire that the name Império do Brazil vibrated was precisely that of independence, that is, it brought a secret ambition of leadership and of following with its own voice. And to complete the way of expressing himself, he was in tune (the same) with the Dream, reaffirming the importance of being an independent State. The mission of the Empire of Brazil was cooperation, union and diplomacy.

Translating, independence happened when the relationship between Spain and Portugal became unsustainable and several moves were made to arrive at the famous “Scream for Independence”. Even having a mission of union and cooperation, the desire for autonomy was stronger.

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What can we learn from this and bring to our lives?

The conquest of independence goes far beyond declaring oneself as such. It is necessary to have a purpose or a cause, which will serve as a combustion between the desire and the fulfillment of that desire. And as we've seen in history, nothing happens overnight. There is enormous and significant movement behind the scenes in life. Many times we even have a purpose and an execution plan, but the bad weather of life or the contrary intentions of those around us can make us not conquer or delay the dreamed cause. So, take advantage of today to reflect on how your life is going behind the scenes and what can be done to have autonomy and give your “cry for independence”.

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