What are the benefits of doing nothing?

In Italian, there is a very famous expression, “il dolce fare niente”, which translated into Portuguese means “the sweetness of doing nothing”, and, in a world where productivity is so valued, this phrase has become increasingly popular. more sense for people who seek to relieve the stress of everyday life.

But why is it so important to do nothing? And what does it mean to do nothing exactly? Discover the answers in this article.

What are the benefits of doing nothing?
Source: Pixabay

What does it mean to do nothing?

This phrase should not be taken literally, because the truth is that even if we are not doing anything, it already means that we are doing something, like breathing or watching life go by, for example.

In fact, what this really means is that it's important to have a moment when you're not solving problems or working.

Meditation is a good example of what doing nothing can mean, and many companies have adopted this practice to improve the productivity of their employees.

What are the benefits of doing nothing?
Source: Pixabay 

The importance of leisure time

Leisure moments are important for people to be able to better develop their concentration, and that is why an Italian sociologist named Domenico de Masi created the idea of ​​creative leisure, which takes into account that human beings need happy moments to perform their tasks better. professional functions.

Looking for games that stimulate your intelligence can be a good way to make your leisure time more fun, and this is the case with online casinos, for example.

Luckily, with today's technology, it's increasingly easier to find the best online casino in Portugal or Spain, and use these games to relieve your day-to-day stress.

Decreased working hours

The development of studies on the importance of leisure time in increasing employee productivity has led many countries to consider the idea of ​​reducing the working day from 8 to 6 hours a day, as is the case in Sweden.

The results of studies carried out by the Swedish government have been very positive., and while this requires companies to hire more employees, which incurs more costs for them, in the long run this leads to fewer employee health problems.

Research that has already been done in the area has identified that people who work for many hours in a row have a 40% greater risk of developing coronary heart disease, which is almost the same chance that smokers have of having this problem, which is 50 %.

Therefore, many people have opted for more flexible jobs, as is the case with freelancers, who can work from their own home, and who can set their own hours and include free time throughout the day.

In view of this, what we have been able to perceive throughout this article is that the benefits of having breaks throughout the day have been increasingly proven, and leisure can even be important to increase your productivity.

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