we are energy

    Every person can BE.

    We are energy.

    Multicolored energies we are.

    Realize and visualize it not it's for all people.

    Only those who have a certain sensitivity can feel.

    BEINGS of energy moved by feeling.

    Science doesn't match emotion, it matches reason more.

    Miracles of the kind that are hardly noticed, but the miracles of small conquests.

    The fusion of energy beings is strong, powerful!

    It transcends human understanding.


    die to the "Eu" It's an everyday challenge.

    Born to BE every day is another.

    At some point, we have the understanding that we are all part of one.

    We are scattered fragments.

    And the light within us reflects how aware we are of it.

    We are all fractals.

    Beautiful, wonderful and resplendent fractals!

    As beings of light and energy, we have opportunities in this experience, many opportunities to develop what we believe.

    Shared energy, often voluntary, produces results and almost always the best results.

    we are energy

    We grow up and are conditioned by rules, concepts, natural laws, beliefs and limiting conflicts, saboteurs of ourselves. And countless paradigms are imposed, which we adapt to live here.

    Although the present moment is always the best, time passes.

    So, living is a great opportunity that every person can BE.

    Live to BE.

    Nothing to do, just BE!


    we are energy

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