We are all one: how will the planetary transition connect us?

We are all one: how will the planetary transition connect us?

Man is a social being and this maxim leads us to a unique path: we depend on each other. This relationship occurs because we are gregarious, that is, we need the other members of our species. Furthermore, this need is not just social, it is the result of a chain of joint actions to be what we are. We are born of two people, we are educated by a number of other people and most importantly, we are connected to each other through various types of connections.

And speaking of connection, it is through it that we evolve personally and spiritually. It is through this exchange of energies that we help the other to progress or even become better people. And this reverberates from the micro to the macro, as our energies are linked with the Universe.

If we vibrate positively in this exchange of energies, we are also able to make the world evolve. And that has a huge bearing on a process called planetary transition. As much as it is a natural path, our union in harmony and good vibes facilitate and accelerate the process. Do you, however, know what a planetary transition is? Don't worry, we'll explain later.

planetary transition

To move up one position in the ranking as an inhabited world, Earth will need to go through a process of evolution. We will leave the world of trials and atonements, which is a place of tests and trials, still dominated by evil, but experiencing intellectual evolution, which directs us to ethical thinking and the strength to move on to the next stage.

This stage will lead us to the so-called world of regeneration, the one where there are no vices or minor feelings, but we will not yet be evolved enough to get rid of material laws.

It is this process that we call planetary transition. Therefore, for this to occur, it is necessary that we, individually and collectively, also evolve.

And this doesn't just refer to technological or scientific progress, which is something that humanity has been experiencing for centuries. This is very important, of course, but just as important as intellect and technology, there needs to be a spiritual evolution. Empathy, solidarity, love of neighbor, forgiveness and mercy are key factors in this progression.

And that depends on each one of us, but one connected to the other, which makes us all one, since, literally, union is strength. Far from being a cliché, this is the purest truth when it comes to the search for a better world.

And that better world is the world of regeneration, which will vibrate in fifth-dimensional energy. And how does it work? That's what we'll see next.

Living in the fifth dimension

While we live in this world of atonement, waiting for evolution to a new level, we are being ruled by the energies of the third dimension. In other words, as we explained above, we are still vibrating over what is material, in which there is suffering, deprivation and trials.

Entering the world of regeneration will elevate us to the fifth dimension. Which is not a physical location, but a state of consciousness. It is necessary, however, that there is harmony, a deeper knowledge of what and who we are. This implies changes in habits, beliefs and behaviors.

It is in this dimension that we have the perception that we are all one and that we are united with everything that is alive. It is when we propose to give back, and not just receive. It is when we walk to the height of self-knowledge and value “being” instead of “having”.

It is a “place” of gratitude, of solidarity. Of spiritual elevation, feeling of happiness and completeness. It is where there is no discrimination or disrespect for life, much less competition and disagreements. It is a place of cooperation and integration.

Society in the new age

In this new stage of consciousness, society will move towards a moral reconstruction and there will be no room for destructive behavior, wars, pettiness, extremes and polarities.

Currently, these have been very clear signs that show the absolute tenor of what a world in atonement is, for us to remember that this is not the legacy to be carried to an evolved world. The increase in these events is nothing more than the sign that we are close to a drastic movement essential for our spiritual improvement. And our tired look at these ills will be the catalyst for this transformation.

We are all one

Therefore, for the world to evolve, we need to evolve. This “burnout” is our eyes opening to the need for moral progress, for a change of conscience for all of us together. Working on altruism and empathy is the way to put an end to this lower dimension.

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We need to come together and hold hands. Looking within, yes, but overflowing what has progressed within us, energizing the other, influencing in a beneficial and positive way. It is in this exchange of energy that we transform the world. It is looking at the other with compassion, solidarity, team spirit, unity and affective responsibility.

What will make the difference for a better world and for an evolved state of consciousness is the certainty that we are really part of the whole, but a unison whole, which vibrates in consonance, which holds hands, which creates bonds, builds bridges and generates connection. The transition is already happening, the milestones have already been set. We are getting closer and closer to a new era. You need to be open and receptive to embrace this regenerated world!

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