want x deserve

How many people have we seen complain about not deserving what they got? It is very common to complain about the effects of an occurrence, but we do not always analyze the cause that motivated something that was against our will. Often, we do deserve what happened, even though it wasn't what we really wanted. The hardest thing is admitting that, despite not wanting to, it was all our fault for what happened, so we do deserve what happened.

“Who sows the wind, reaps the storm”

This is a saying that, although it is part of a group of knowledge referred to as “popular wisdom”, perhaps does not have another with such an exact scientific basis. After all, it is nothing more than a probably accidental metaphor for one of Newton's laws: for every action there is always an equal reaction. In other words, literally nothing happens by chance. If chance happened, you did or did not do something that could prevent or stimulate an event that was not foreseen. For example: you won the lottery, but you only won because you played and risked. The odds were minimal, practically equal to chance, but you made your share of contribution to what you wanted to happen, and soon deserved to be the winner of the prize.

want x deserve

Of course, this kind of thinking, like all others, is only valid for a few things. It is a true scientific heresy to want to apply precisely any law in the field of humanities. Another example is the crime of rape and the stupidity of some individuals in claiming that someone “deserves to be raped”. The very birth of the international Slutwalk movement proposes precisely this blaming. When a woman was raped and a police officer claimed the crime occurred because of the clothes she was wearing, insinuating that the rape was deserved, such folly generated a wave of worldwide outrage. What is the guilt of a child abandoned by their parents and who suffers the consequences in their own skin? Absolutely none. So, you have to be very careful when making assumptions trying to find a why, thus avoiding committing injustices.

Finally, it is worth noting that many times we literally get what we deserve. But making an automatic association between “having”, “wanting” and “deserving” can make us make brutal mistakes. Every event is the result of a sum between space, time and individual, whether we like it or not.

Written by Diego Rennan of Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.

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